To me, there are two ways to define GFE: A list of services, or an experience. Many “hobbyists” (men who frequent courtesans and like to post about it on online forums), seem to think that it’s a checklist of services, similar to what firefighter described above.
To me, GFE means an attitude. It means getting to know each other, spending a longer time together, talking intimately, cuddling, and generally acting like the session is more than just a quick, physical act. GFE can also develop over time, as the courtesan and client get to know each other more deeply, and develop a relationship beyond the superficial.
To me, a non-GFE party isn’t nearly as fun as GFE, because I really love to get to know people, and have them get to know me. A more intimate emotional experience is ultimately more satisfying to both participants, regardless of what barriers are or aren’t used.