So. you guys think I am being a religious zealot? yet I notice very few women have posted to defend what they are doing.
Its you me that are abusing women. sure you pay them, but the house takes most of that. these women are forced into this line of work at an early age and wind up in places like this, forced to have sex over and over with you dirty old men.
oh, and that feeling between your toes is likely the devil himself trying to get a foothold, try desinex if you want but I suggest changing your lifestyle.
Prostitution is a crime, and you men are profitting from it.
So. you guys think I am being a religious zealot?
Not necessarily however if you check my first reply to your thread starting post I did note your post was “puritanical” and moreover a “Narrow Construct”. Yet I am certain xenophobic appears to fit like a glove.
yet I notice very few women have posted to defend what they are doing.
Well some did as a courtesy to you as a consequence you were served a spoonful of reality. I hate to break the news to you but the ladies aren’t hanging on your every word and last post. Most ladies will choose to avoid the toxicity of your prose and posture, many folks don’t suffer fools well.
Its you me that are abusing women.
It certainly could be both of you…..or numerous more depending on how many people are actually in there.
sure you pay them, but the house takes most of that.
So now it appears your taking umbrage with management or the “house”. OK, fine, I now see your strategy if you can’t debate on substance, conjecture, then when things start going south change the subject. On a positive note you vacillate with great ease.
these women are forced into this line of work at an early age and wind up in places like this, forced to have sex over and over with you dirty old men.
It sounds like you have polled some of these ladies, perhaps they might come forward in support of your point of view, or perhaps this is more conjecture. As it applies to your “forced” inference, we do find some common ground here. I do not support trafficking/pimping or the like. However, what a woman decides to do with her own body, of her own accord, is a completely different matter altogether.
As far as your dirty old men citation, how dirty and old am I?? Perhaps you should channel your inner Carnac for this query.
oh, and that feeling between your toes is likely the devil himself trying to get a foothold, try desinex if you want but I suggest changing your lifestyle.
Devil??? Perhaps your autonomous assertion of religious zealotry as it applies to your position is well founded. It appears if your looking for the disingenuous party in this thread you might find them in the mirror.
I appreciate your lifestyle advice yet I can’t accept your authority on this issue, as it seems you seem to have a long way to go in the arena yourself.
Prostitution is a crime, and you men are profitting from it.
Now I know your really confused. First, its not illegal in some counties in Nevada, 8 out of Nevada’s 16 counties currently have brothels in operation in some of the other counties it is still legal yet no brothels are operating at this time. Looking more expansively (Something you should look into), in most of the world prostitution is not illegal, pimping however is ( this is where we share common ground.). ” You men” aren’t profiting from it…we fund it…as you so astutely asserted in an earlier post.
Perhaps if only one of the “you me” ‘s posts to the thread you would be able to stand firm with a consistent, cogent and at least plausible position. I would venture to guess the name Amy/Amanda is your middle name because you seem to be posting like Sybil. There seems to be more than one person in there.
Good luck with The “Devil”, the “Lord” and all the cast of characters in between. It is an epic struggle for many and most never make it out alive, they die delusional, conflicted, disturbed and fighting many of life’s natural forces/details.
“Man is the religious animal. He is the only religious animal. He is the only animal that has the True Religion –- several of them. He is the only animal that loves his neighbor as himself and cuts his throat, if his theology isn’t straight. He has made a graveyard of the globe in trying his honest best to smooth his brother’s path to happiness and heaven.” ~ Mark Twain 1835-1910
Best of Luck To You,