Maverick replied to the topic MMO gamers in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 7 years, 10 months ago
Hey Flint,
You’ve been around awhile you probably remember the somewhat sudden yet prolonged decline.
It began with the beginning of this particular incarnation of the forum. The prior board ( Version 3.0?) was probably the most active board of all the house LPIN boards and certainly in the top 5 of all the boards combined ( house and…[Read more]
Maverick replied to the topic MMO gamers in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 7 years, 10 months ago
Dear Ms. Empire,
Trust me the forum died long ago for a variety of reasons, long before the aformentioned calculus/paradigm, perhaps the wi-fi angle was simply the coupe de maitre.
My Best,
Maverick replied to the topic Travel Agent Problems with Sheri's Ranch in the forum Newbie's Questions and Answers 8 years, 5 months ago
LPIN is a cottage industry exclusive to Nevada and not a part of the mainstream even as Nevada standards go IMO. As much as we as a society extol the virtues of diversity, tolerance and freedom the unfortunate truth is we still live in a puritanical society, sometimes suppressed other times not. As a result the player(s) in this venue are…[Read more]
Maverick replied to the topic Travel Agent Problems with Sheri's Ranch in the forum Newbie's Questions and Answers 8 years, 5 months ago
LPIN is a cottage industry exclusive to Nevada and not a part of the mainstream even as Nevada standards go IMO. As much as we as a society extol the virtues of diversity, tolerance and freedom the unfortunate truth is we still live a a puritanical society, sometimes suppressed other times not. As a result the player(s) in this venue are…[Read more]
Maverick replied to the topic Travel Agent Problems with Sheri's Ranch in the forum Newbie's Questions and Answers 8 years, 5 months ago
LPIN is a cottage industry exclusive to Nevada and not a part of the mainstream even as Nevada standards go IMO. As much as we as a society extol the virtues of diversity, tolerance and freedom the unfortunate truth is we still live a a puritanical society, sometimes suppressed other times not. As a result the player(s) in this venue are…[Read more]
Maverick replied to the topic add-ons to Sheri's? in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 8 years, 5 months ago
Thanks for the warm welcome. its always great to drop by “home” every once and a while in between the typical rigours of life. I am not as lucubrate as I once was for a myriad of reasons yet its always good to drop by now and then.
As far as outdates go ( and I don’t know who’s listening in here) if change is truly desired by a serious…[Read more]
Maverick replied to the topic add-ons to Sheri's? in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 8 years, 5 months ago
As to the outdate issue you can thank Mac Moore, former principal of Angel’s ladies, for the lack of outdate opportunities. Legend has it, for some unknown reason he was against it, and as a result Nye county declined to adopt this detail.
This supposedly happened many years ago, change is possible but sometimes it takes a lot.
My Best,
Maverick replied to the topic To and fro transportation charges ?? in the forum Newbie's Questions and Answers 8 years, 9 months ago
Hey ‘tanna,
Yeah its a different board altogether and a different time. I sometimes yearn for the old days but alas its not to be.
“Kelly Fares” yeah you know the shot….that’s a term many people wouldn’t get immediately.
Possessing a comprehensive history of LPIN next time we meet up I can tell you how all this mess started many decades ago…[Read more]
Maverick replied to the topic To and fro transportation charges ?? in the forum Newbie's Questions and Answers 8 years, 9 months ago
Well first I want to say hello to Mr. Maverick. Damn, didn’t know you still hung out here. How are you? CB here. It has been quite a while since we chatted. It sure was fun back when we were regulars on here.
Hey CB,
Nice to see you around too. Yeah I’m still around a bit but not as much as in the past at all. Doing OK but my life has c…[Read more]
Maverick replied to the topic To and fro transportation charges ?? in the forum Newbie's Questions and Answers 8 years, 9 months ago
Oh how I love these limo threads….the true Maverick in me gets to shine through….Here comes the firebrand.
Jeremy my friend we are about to dance.
I’ve been reading posts from people on this forum about Sheri’s car service for a few years now. A couple of forum users sometimes demonstrate that they have inside information by disclosing wha…
Maverick replied to the topic To and fro transportation charges ?? in the forum Newbie's Questions and Answers 8 years, 9 months ago
Oh how I love these limo threads….the true Maverick in me gets to shine through….Here comes the firebrand.
Jeremy my friend we are about to dance.
I’ve been reading posts from people on this forum about Sheri’s car service for a few years now. A couple of forum users sometimes demonstrate that they have inside information by disclosing wha…
Maverick replied to the topic How dangerous is prostitution? in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 8 years, 10 months ago
“In the end we only regret the chances we didn’t take, the relationships we were afraid to have,and the decisions we waited too long to make.”
― Lewis Carroll
To paraphrase your sentiment and I agree wholly its the chances and risks we don’t take in life that are typically the most regrettable.
I’d love to catch up with you sometim…[Read more]
Maverick replied to the topic How dangerous is prostitution? in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 8 years, 10 months ago
Thanks Flint. Always good to see “Our Man” out serving the greater good.
Keep up the good work!!
My Best,
Maverick replied to the topic DC heroines in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 8 years, 10 months ago
OK guys…not a comic book fan but a longtime brothel dog….. the subject line “DC heroine” peaked my interest in this thread……until I read it and figured out it had nothing to do with LPIN.
I’m sure most of you know what DC means in brothel speak……….God I’m old!!!!
Maverick replied to the topic DC heroines in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 8 years, 10 months ago
src=”http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_j0y7D1wMUpk/TFoFPDjPj2I/AAAAAAAACbw/gffi_aZSHP0/s1600/BlogAnimatedLaughingSmiley.gif” alt=”Laughing Smiley” />
OK guys…not a comic book fan but a longtime brothel dog….. the subject line “DC heroine” peaked my interest in this thread……until I read it and figured out it had nothing to do with LPIN.
I’m sure…[Read more]
Maverick replied to the topic How dangerous is prostitution? in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 8 years, 10 months ago
Maverick, it’s good to see you again sir. Thank you again for lending your assistance on my newbie thread years ago.
Good to see you as well my friend, I hope things are well with you and yours. “Years ago”….yeah those years are piling up too!!! How they breeze by! I am always gratified to hear of how my altruistic efforts furthered t…[Read more]
Maverick replied to the topic How dangerous is prostitution? in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 8 years, 11 months ago
A very well versed and full throated analysis.
Well Done.
My Best,
Maverick replied to the topic What If a Christian Wants to Visit a Brothel? in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 8 years, 11 months ago
I’m with Angel you shouldn’t be sorry for asking this question it was, on its face, valid. Perhaps with my rather breathy and broad post I made you feel a bit uneasy. If that is indeed the case please accept my apologies.
When it come to certain subjects, religion being one, I can become something of a firebrand. Particularly when it…[Read more]
Maverick replied to the topic What If a Christian Wants to Visit a Brothel? in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 9 years ago
Leave it to Allissa to put it succinctly with more that a touch of grand acumen.
Couldn’t have said it better myself.
Maverick replied to the topic What If a Christian Wants to Visit a Brothel? in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 9 years ago
Leave it to Alissa to put it succinctly with more that a touch of grand acumen.
Couldn’t have said it better myself.
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