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Hi all

For Amy and all: a true story of sex, God, grace and gratitude

First Time breathed deeply before opening the door to Sheri’s. On his drive over, First Time thought again of what he was about to do, of all who wouldn’t understand, and the door he was about to open both literally and figuratively. Now at that door, he opened and entered.

Later that evening, he took his seat at the bar. One of the ladies he had hoped to meet was there. She was kind and cordial, and over the course of the conversation, showed her self to be intelligent and purposeful. As talk of a party together entered in, she smiled and said to him, “You wouldn’t want me to be your first.” First Time didn’t feel rejected. He appreciated her sensitivity. A party happened later with a different lady. After, in his hotel room at Sheri’s, First Time took inventory of his emotions. He thought he would feel guilt but did not. He wasn’t sure what the ladies would be like he met, and he discovered genuine fondness.

First Time returned over several weeks and months. With many of the ladies, conversations would turn to the spiritual. It was a matter First Time had lifetime experience in. The ladies shared about their journeys, their current questions, and the prominence of faith in their life. On more than one occasion, the lady would express physical pain she was experiencing. In her room, First Time would pray and healing came in that moment. One even exclaimed, “How did you do that?” He said, “God loves you. It’s all him.”

Physical healing. Conversations that result in emotional healing. Life counsel. God in a brothel? Grace in experience? The inexplicable in the unexpected?

I am grateful to follow the One in whose genealogy is a prostitute; who is named son of David the man after God’s own heart, who slept with another man’s wife and yet from such union descended the Savior. I willingly follow Jesus who makes me as I should be in His time, ruthlessly confronting all that is not right within me, yet making me to be more than I ever dreamed.

Some will enter this brothel and decide they should never again. Others will enter and, having done so, will have found an avenue of hope and second chance. A few lady’s that work here will do so in worship of money. Many will work here, and in that time however long it be, will treat it as a vehicle of meaningful service. There are lady’s here who will work with no belief in God . There are others here who will greet or end the day in prayer and lay their life upon the lap of grace.

As for me, like First Time, I have found my time at Sheri’s to be a place of discovery that has led to better living and better choices. I am grateful.

Smooth….Dude…..gotta love your prime, priceless and peerless pen. As you would know ( probably better than anyone else on the planet) I couldn’t lay it down like you did. As one of my best and closest personal friends, not only do I appreciate your point of view but your expansive philosophy that allows your understanding and friendship of a bona fide “heathen bachelor”. I could have laid down the scripture but it would have been served with more than a little spice, your refined sensibilities truly define your class, grace and devotion to faith. Dare I say if religious hierarchy could/would have taken notes from you chances are countless lives could have been spared and hostilities/intolerance would be at an all time low. In addition, if your spiritual beliefs are indeed authentic and real, your faith, in accordance with your posture advances your charge and slate.

Well done!!!

Hey Amy, Take a good look at your chosen book of faith, Jesus Christ’s best friends were a prostitute and 12 seemingly unemployed guys. Jump off your pedestal and get real!!!!!!!!!!

My Best,


  • This reply was modified 11 years, 8 months ago by Maverick.
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