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It’s difficult to quote party costs, since it varies depending on your selected independent contractor Courtesan, party duration, menu or specialty items (GFE for example), client’s demeanor, etc. Also, a client can’t negotiate until they meet a Lady for a variety of reasons. No prices can be quoted over the phone, website or email, since the client must be physically at SR negotiating with that selected Courtesan in her private quarters. Clients view Ladies photos, reviews and profiles, but clients who communicate by email are essentially blind dates for the Courtesans. It’s pointless to question a Courtesan regarding kissing, DATY etc., since most Ladies want to meet and evaluate that client prior to offering their bodies. If a client is immaculate, showered, well groomed, nicely dressed, manicured & pedicured, congenial, sober, discretely flirtatious, complimentary, romantic, polite, practices oral hygiene and uses deodorant & cologne, that client will fare much better than a disrespectful, obnoxious and vulgar ogre obviously. It’s advantageous for a client & Courtesan to spend time in the Sports Bar having a nice discussion while establishing a connection or building romantic chemistry prior to negotiating; however, I limit my alcohol consumption to one drink prior to a party, since I have mild erectile dysfunction and I desire to be sober so my body is more sensitive to my Ladies teasing and I can reciprocate in pleasing her too. Furthermore, intoxicated clients are rarely good lovers. If a client picks a Lady from a line-up and proceeds to her room to party without taking time to get acquainted then the Courtesan might assume the client views her strictly as an uninteresting sex object. Most clients will not divulge the prices they negotiated with a selected Courtesan, since it’s unethical and they have paid their dues becoming astute regarding negotiations. Oftentimes a Courtesan will favor a client an attractive price simply because she’s pleased with their chivalrous & friendly behavior and appearance or the client is a repeat customer or a friendship has been previously formed. I would recommend that a client have an abundance of cash and credit cards. Also, it’s better to drive to SR rather than take the Limo, since the Limo driver will receive a share of the party proceeds so negotiations will be limited. In addition, it’s advantageous to stay at SR Hotel for a few days so you’re not rushed and have time to party several times. Clients receive a complimentary room certificate with every minimum amount party too.

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