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Charina Lee

This is interesting….if you look at a lot of articles written about how women have been treated throughout history you end up getting about 30 different perspectives. Some say it dates back to biblical days where women were treated as human beings, however, were definitely treated like chattel. Then you have those that believe throughout our history that in our darker, more violent days of the past, women had to be protected and that is also true. I guess it was better to be “owned” by a man than thrown to the wolves!!!!

If you look at the way the hard core feminists think…..wow…they believe that all men think ALL women are whores!

I think that to understand the way women have been treated in the past, you also have to know a little history and accept the fact that history dictates how human beings treat one another.

I don’t know if I’m saying it the right way, but I don’t know too many men that treat women that way any more.
But I’m sure there are some!



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