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  • #11707

    I would just like to thank all of the Staff who made my stay at the Ranch very enjoyable. From Paula to the bar staff, kitchen staff & office staff….I am sorry but I can’t remember your names but in a way it doesn’t matter because you know who you are & as I said at the start you all did help make my stay very enjoyable, very memorable & great fun. To the Ladies I did meet in the Bar & am unable to remember exactly who you all are thank you. Suzanne & Izabella…thank you, it was fun hanging out in the bar with these two fun loving & very sweet Ladies on Sunday 9th of November. On Sunday 16th of November Eva introduced me to Monroe Rivers a very attractive & sweet lady, thank you Monroe. Oh & Eva sort of introduced me to Fabienne. Fabienne was standing in the doorway between the bar & the gift shop, so we got to wave at each other. I actually caught up with Amber in the Bar before my party with Eva…..thank you Amber for everything. All I can say is that Sheri’s Ranch is a truly amazing place to visit. Finally to the 4 very special Ladies I was able to spend intimate time with. Amber Lynne, Brittney Ryder, Char & Eva Morales. Thank you Ladies for four very memorable, very enjoyable and truly fun parties.

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by KoalaBear.

    It sounds as if you ahve agreat time, Mark. You were at the Ranch a full week?


    Hi Flint, no not a full week. although I wish I had the money but probably wouldn’t survive all that amazing attention 🙂 Just the night of Sunday the 9th & went back to Las Vegas Monday afternoon. The second Sunday wasn’t planned, just a spur of the moment decision to have a party with Eva who I had emailed months ago. Then returned again on the following Sunday afternoon & returned to Las Vegas later that night. Those 4 parties put a very big dent in my savings & credit card. However I have no regrets, met some very nice people, have some amazing memories & had a lot of laughs 🙂 The Ranch is a very special place to visit & hang out at 🙂


    What a sweet thank you message KoalaBear! We’re so pleased that you had a wonderful time at Sheri’s. We look forward to your next adventure in our fun-filled playland!


    Recently, I had the opportunity to spend a few days at the ranch. It being my first time there, I was both skeptical as well as curious. Upon reaching the ranch at a late evening, It was nice to get in my room with little if no drawn out paperwork. I spent five days at the ranch and had a notable good time. The staff as will as the ladies are respectfully delightful. Although spending some time with a couple of the lovely ladies, I would have to say that “CICI” would have to be most memorable. She has the feel and connection of both a companion, as well as that of truly beautiful lady.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by David.
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