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  • #12553
    Bad Boy

    I read that Sheri’s will be offering all-inclusive vacation/getaway packages soon. Does anyone know when these will be available and/or how to go about booking one? Thanks.


    Isn’t there a link on this site? You can call the office for bookings


    Bad Boy,

    This is the hyperlink to the “Ultimate Sex Vacation” Packages. http://www.sherisranch.com/adult-sex-vacation/

    When you arrive at Sheri’s Ranch you might ask Ranchmama Dena for other recommendations or specials being offered at that time.

    Best Regards, FF

    Bad Boy

    Thanks, Firefighter. Either there isn’t an active link to it on the main navigation or it isn’t obvious. Regardless, you pointed me in the right direction.


    Bad Boy,

    I had bookmarked the “Sex Vacation Packages” previously, so I was able to locate them easily. However, now I can’t find the link to them from the website menu either.

    Sorry for the confusion, FF


    I had a further question to the vacation package. We’re getting closer to actually making this a reality. So, I called the number on the vacation page with a question (mainly – is it double since it’s my husband AND I?). I never got that far. The woman on the phone said I couldn’t book through the number… That I had to book through a travel agent.

    Er… This process is rather difficult for me already – never having done it before. Now, I have explain this to a travel agent? It seemed… odd. She said I could call tomorrow and talk to a manager about how to do that, but I was wondering if anyone had insight?



    I recommend that you contact Ranchmama Dena at (866) 820-9100 for specific information regarding the Ultimate Sex Vacation packages, and to determine if a travel agent is necessary.


    The Sheri’s Hotel stay is subject to availability based on occupancy. The room will be confirmed at the time of your booking.
    You must negotiate the price of your sex party with the Lady of your choice. The voucher is applicable towards your negotiation. It cannot be combined with other offers.
    You may select any of the 5 Themed Bungalows that are subject to availability based on occupancy, excluding the Sheri’s Playland Bungalow.


    Thanks so much Firefighter!

    Bad Boy


    I was also told to go through a travel agent when I first called about the package. I would suggest calling back and asking to speak to a manager if you still have questions.

    And please don’t let this deter you. Sheri’s is the ideal place for a first couple’s experience. The staff and the ladies will make you and your husband feel welcome and relaxed the entire time.

    Amber Lynn

    From my understanding, the Ultimate Sex Vacation is still in the works, but once all the kinks have been worked out it will be fabulous!

    You will initially have to book the Sex Vacation through a “travel agent.” The travel agent information will be provided through the ranch after everything is finalized. The agent will then contact the ranch, to secure all reservations, dates, lady, Ect. Depending on the package selected the vochure amount will go towards the amount negotiated and agreed upon with the lady. Thus, the client will be responsible for the remaining balance agreed upon. Then clothes go flying and the fun begins!

    that does not necessarily mean that the amount is doubled, it’s whatever is negotiated with the lady! @badboy is righ…Sheris is definitely the safest, most discrete place for couple to play, have fun, and make all your fantasies become reality…especially for couples! I would suggested contacting a lady you are interested in, building rapport, and going from there…it will make your first couples experience that much better!


    Just please everyone also understand that the packages don’t include the chosen ladies’ time the entire time that you are here at the Ranch. I don’t want people to get the wrong impression and be less than thrilled with the outcome of their “vacation”.

    Amber Lynn

    Thank you for adding that Montana! Very good point!


    sparksfley & Bad Boy,

    The Ultimate Sex Vacation is a brand new program and all the details haven’t been posted yet. A travel agent booking is likely necessary to comply with LPIN laws. However, I would first contact Madam Dena at (866) 820-9100 to obtain all the details. Madam Dena may be able to recommend a travel agent familiar with the packages too.

    Amber & Montana mentioned that a Courtesan can’t hang out with a client(s) during their entire visit, since they have other appointments and clients. However, a Courtesan will be in the company of a client(s) for the duration of their sex party. If a client(s) books a two-hour VIP Bungalow party their Courtesan will be in their company that entire time.

    Furthermore, clients may socialize with Courtesans in the bar when they are not in the company of another client or preparing for another party; however, these Courtesans must share their bar time between all the clients in the bar until a client books a party.

    Big LA Dodger Fan

    Since my 11-day Incarceration in “Pussy Prison” (Amber’s Naughty Language) does not fit the planned USV guide lines, which for me includes a daily 2-3 hour GFE in the Roman Bungalow and other shorter romps each day, I have been assured that some (much?) of my Hotel & Meal expenses will be “Comped.”

    Starting in November I began identifying and flirting via email and now Twitter with the several Courtesans I wanted to spend Amorous time with and Amber, Char, Red, Trina, Erin, Allissa, and Sasha have been particularly curious, responsive and flirty, only adding to my anticipation of their company. I have been telling them about me and my Fetishes and Kinks as well as flirting, which to me insures a great time.

    Since an inmates “safety” is so dependent on a good relationship with the Guards, I am planning to have the Limo Driver stop at the “IN ‘n Out” Burgers along the route to Sheri’s to pick up a Pre-Arranged order of Fries & Burgers for everyone that gives me their order, Driver included. (Hopefully Sheri’s has some insulated containers somewhere?!) I think it never hurts to apply this kind of “ASS Kissing” before the other kind of “ASS Kissing” begins. I am also planning on a Gift Envelope for each of the GFE Courtesans I am Booking to show my appreciation to and enthusiasm for them. Hopefully in all of this I have not or will not be violating any real LPIN laws.

    Given the amount of $$$ involved, I am planning to bring some “Cashiers Checks” instead of carrying cash. However, I need to discuss details like this with Madam Dena I assume.


    Big LA Dodger Fan,

    Yes, the Ladies love a client who pampers them. I sometimes bring Victoria’s Secret gift cards, Bath & Body Works products (bubble bath & etcetera), or Kama Sutra products (Honey Dust, flavored water based lube and etcetera) for them too. I’ve bought a couple of Pahrump’s Dairy Queen (20 South HWY 160 #109) ice cream cakes too. There’s Joe’s pizza parlor (70 South HWY 160 #107) in Pahrump and they may deliver too. In addition, there’s an Adult Superstore at 330 Emery Street in Pahrump too!

    You don’t really need cashier’s checks because Sheri’s accepts major credit cards with no surcharge. I don’t know for sure if they accept American Express though, so you might check with Dena for their current policy. I have used my Discover card and had to call their 1-800 DISCOVER customer service number to confirm it was a legitimate purchase, because they often deny large amounts charged out of state as a fraud protection measure for the card holder. However, I still bring ample cash for incidentals, small purchases, tips and etcetera.

    I know you’ll have a great time!


    Charina Lee

    As usual, some great information on the forum. Sheri’s keeps adding wonderful ideas to their menu of good times and I’m sure this is going to be a very big hit.

    Oh my Big LA Dodger Fan….In n out burger is my favorite place…Maybe it’s the food or maybe its the name “IN n OUT” ! Hmmmmm. In and out, in and out! He, he…I’m getting horny thinking of something going in n out!

    Charina Lee

    Big LA Dodger Fan

    Well “Yes!” Charina I think “In ‘n Out” should be the “Official Burger” of Sheri’s. I am sorry you will not be there Feb. 22 to enjoy. Bummer.

    Charina Lee

    Believe me Big LA Dodger…..I am disappointed.


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