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  • #294

    Allissa – the Jacuzzi Experience

    After my “Dynamic Duo” encounter with CiCi and Allissa I found a connection with Allissa and was headed in the direction of something I had never done before, my first repeat party with a lady. As easy as the negotiations had been the 1st time, they were so much easier yet the 2nd time; Allissa already knew what I liked, I knew what to expect from a party with her. Coming to an agreement was so easy. It’s in this party that I realized how much better I personally like the one on one experience to the two girl experience. In the one on one experience, one can interact so much more personally and attentively to the lady one is with and, for me, makes it much more intimate. I would not trade the two times of having a two girl experience that I have had for they answered so many questions I was curious about but, to spend one on one time with a lady like Allissa is exhilarating!

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