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  • #14395
    LonelyVegas Bear

    I visited the Ranch a few years ago, and I booked with a gorgeous brunette named Colette–5’3″(?), beautiful natural breasts, etc. I don’t think she was at Sheri’s for very long, because I booked with her privately in Vegas and then she up and moved to Europe. Anyone heard from her? Let me know if there is any way to contact her or if she has left the biz.


    LonelyVegas Bear,

    I remember Colette as a beautiful buxom blonde. I believe she left Sheri’s Ranch in 2011. Colette has 7 reviews dated February to July 2011. It’s against Sheri’s Ranch policy to provide Courtesans’ personal information. Sheri’s Ranch is a licensed LPIN brothel, and prohibited from assisting in illegal independent prostitute or escort dates. However, you may contact the office to determine if you can book a party, but it depends on whether we have her current information for a business consultation. Also, she would have to be available and interested in becoming a Courtesan again. In addition, she would have to sign a contract and obtain required LPIN licensing, and it’s impractical to return for a single party.

    Colette’s Official page profile, photos, preferences, statistics, schedule and reviews: http://www.sherisranch.com/lady.aspx?id=427

    LonelyVegas Bear

    Not her, but thanks anyway. She probably quit the biz.

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