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  • #1903

    Wish I would have wished to be at Sheri’s instead of being in Twin Falls, Idaho doing a Base Jump off the bridge here. Getting me to jump won’t be the problem, it’s getting me to walk out on the bridge. Will post 3D video on U-TUBE. Hope Mother’s Day was happy for all.


    Happy Birthday!

    Good luck on your jump!
    I like to be on the ground, climbing ladders, or repelling on ropes, but not free falling through the air; I’ve never parachute jumped, so I can’t say positively that I wouldn’t try it. I’ve never practiced bungee jumping or hang gliding either.


    Had a great 2 jumps on the 18th. The climb out of the canyon nearly got me but I made it. Took the easy way out the second time. GREAT bunch of GUYS and plan on going back again. Climbing over the bridge handrail was interesting.
    BASE” is an acronym that stands for four categories of fixed objects from which one can jump: buildings, antennas, spans (bridges), and earth (cliffs).
    I guess from what I can figure is that it is really not the jump but getting to the jump point and getting away without getting arrested is the thrill.

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