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  • #11395

    I came across something that would be of interest, figured I would post the link and start a discussion.


    This is just an article on one part of the story, for details on more click the links or use google.

    The gist of the overall story (For discussion purposes) is this.
    Jian Ghomeshi was a radio host on a nationally broadcast and successful for many years show for CBC. The Show “Q” was one he had designed and developed for years but was recently fired when he voluntarily disclosed to his employer he was being sued/investigated for domestic abuse.

    His version of the story was the woman was a vengeful ex casting herself as a victim after he had ended a relationship between them. The relationship he disclosed to them had involved rough, consensual sex. Her version was that while she enjoyed rough sex he would often go too far and ignore her when she tried to stop.

    After CBC heard the allegations they fired him and booted him from his show for “sexual behavior unbecoming a prominent host” (According to him). He responded with a public letter outlying the basics of the case from his perspective and a lawsuit against the CBC for firing him. Note that no legal proceedings had gotten anywhere yet.

    Since then eight other women who have worked with the CBC in some capacity or in film in general have come forward with similar stories over the last ten years, most anonymously but one actress from the Trailer Park Boys publicly acknowledging her experience.

    My view? I have no problem with any number of people, doing anything safe and sane and consensual to or with each other. Key point is consensual though, no just before the act but during as well and with so many people coming forward I think there is certainly a pattern of behavior with him that led to this mess.

    CBC’s act of firing him before any proper investigation is going to get them in trouble though. The fact that one is a public personality should have no bearing in the bedroom… though I’ll admit that thought is more than a touch naïve because frankly it does have an effect. CBC is the Canadian public broadcaster with hockey games, news shows, English soap operas and a viewership demographic that can be described as conservative anytime the hockey games are not on. They would want no part of this story they knew would never stay in house.

    At the end of the day the women who came forward (especially the first one) did the right thing, and the guys career is toast now – which is a good thing and just the beginning of his punishment I am sure. CBC is going to have to take a good hard look at how they responded and why they had no idea for ten years that women he came into contact with kept quitting and they never knew why. I also hope that nobody takes up his example of what a dom is, because unfortunately not everyone in the world will be able to figure out examples of healthy relationships and unhealthy relationships. I know I have an interest in BDSM, but I’ve tried to use good resources (like those here, thank you!) to investigate properly.

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Winterfun.

    Thanks for sharing this! Very interesting.

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