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    CWMC-19 COY, BOY & RBOY Nomination Period for Award Year 2014 is now open

    Congratulations again to our recent winners.
    Sheri’s Courtesans Destini and Envy won the COY Award for 2012 and 2011 respectively, and Sheri’s Ranch won the BOY Award for 2012 and 2011 too.

    Complete list of CWMC Award Winners by Year: http://www.cwmcawards.com/winners.html

    Please support and nominate your favorite “Courtesan of the Year,” “Brothel of the Year,” and “Rural Brothel of the Year” for CWMC Award Year 2014.

    Nominations for COY, BOY & RBOY Awards begin February 1, 2015, and end midnight February 28, 2015 PST.

    Eligible candidates for the COY, BOY and RBOY Awards for 2014 are Courtesans active in LPIN during the calendar year 2014 (previous COY winners are not eligible, regardless of her working name), and Brothels which operated during the calendar year 2014.

    Registered voters in this year’s contest are allowed only one ballot in each of the three rounds to nominate or vote for one each COY, BOY & RBOY candidate. Votes from SIN members which are found to have multiple SIN accounts will be invalidated in the interest of fairness and the integrity of the contest.

    The list of registered voters for the CWMC 2014 Awards (there are 154 registered voters this year) may be viewed here: http://cwmcawards.com/index.php?topic=256.0

    Current list of registered voters whom have participated in the nominating round: http://cwmcawards.com/index.php?topic=269.0

    First round COY, BOY & RBOY Awards voting begins March 4, 2015 and ends midnight March 31, 2015 PDT.
    Final round COY, BOY & RBOY Awards voting begins April 4, 2015 and ends midnight April 30, 2015 PDT.
    Winners will be announced at the CWMC-19 Reno Banquet on July 17, 2015.

    Nominees who are deemed eligible, i.e. were active during 2014, will compete in the March 2015 First Round of Voting.
    The top five candidates receiving the most votes will advance to the final round in April 2015.
    The final winner in each of the three categories will be determined solely by the vote tallies in the Final Round.

    Official Rules for CWMC 2014 Awards: http://cwmcawards.com/index.php?topic=257.0

    Thank You,
    The CWMC Awards Committee:
    Little Richard
    CWMC Guy (Advisor)

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