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  • #11124

    Hi all
    Do the courtesans reject clients after doing a DC sometimes?
    What should the client do then?


    If you fail the check I presume your party is canceled and you leave. firefighter?


    If a client fails the DC, that means their Courtesan believes they have a STD (sexually transmitted disease). After failing a DC, another experienced Courtesan may perform another verifying DC to make as certain as possible the client does in fact have a STD. If both Courtesans believe the client has a STD, they may not have a sex party, and are advised to seek a medical doctor for further evaluation and treatment.


    How can I know without a doctor that I dont have STD?Indeed I dont have.
    I mean any symptoms specifically on dick that shows one person have STD or that leads to fail dick check.


    I personally just look for bumps, cuts, discharge, or anything that’s not supposed to be there. If you don’t see anything even a little out of norm than you should be good. Sometimes it is possible if the dc does not go ok you can have a no sexual contact party whether its just a massage, strip tease, watch the lady masturbate, or my favorite a 2 girl show!


    You can failed a DC and not have and STD. Have you heard of “Pearly penile papules”? They look like bumps that are not supposed to be there. I failed a DC because of this reason and I didn’t get to party at Sheri’s. You can’t blame the girls for not knowing what they are looking at. They have to play safe and they do the best they can.


    ^^^^ what did u do then? where u did party or you treated ur papules condition?

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