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  • This topic has 4 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 11 months ago by Anonymous. This post has been viewed 1947 times
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  • #13187

    What is the difference between both businesses?

    What are the pros and cons of each?

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by rewith85man.

    Has anyone ever gone on Craigslist and found a woman who is similar to a courtesan from Sheri’s Ranch?

    I have been on Craigslist and it just seems to me that most of the women on that site are psychotic.

    The women from Sheri’s Ranch, on the other hand, are easier to get along, easier to talk, more reasonable, more respectful, and more understanding. Both virgins and sexually active clients can feel safer and more comfortable going to a brothel than meeting some stranger from Craigslist.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by rewith85man.

    never thought to consider that due to health concerns.


    A classmate of mine got shot and killed trying to sell his used Xbox on Craigslist. He would have been okay, except that when he and his girlfriend arrived and got robbed, he decided to drive after the perpetrators.

    I wouldn’t recommend craigslist AT ALL to find a girl to hang out with. There are safer ways if you plan not to participate in the legal fashion, but you will be much better off at Sheri’s.


    There’s big differences since craigslist sex for sale (indie prostitution) is illegal. If a date is arranged with a woman, there’s no choice because men responding to her ad aren’t given a lineup. They may have wasted their time and be required to pay the prostitute for her time by breaking the prearranged date. In addition, a craigslist illegal sex client may be robbed, swindled, STD infected, assaulted by her bodyguard (pimp), murdered or arrested by police and have their name and picture appear on the local news. They could be sentenced to jail time, ordered to pay a large dollar amount fine, and lose their job too.

    Sheri’s Ranch Ladies are chosen for their professional Courtesan expertise and beauty. In addition, Sheri’s Courtesans are licensed, STD/STI tested weekly and use proper protection required by Nevada’s LPIN statute. There are 24 Ladies available at Sheri’s Ranch that clients may interview before making a final choice. Sheri’s Ranch is a secure licensed brothel where clients may have safe sex with complete confidence and peace of mind.

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