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  • #12273
    Big LA Dodger Fan

    I wanted to Praise the Courtesans at Sheri’s for being so responsive in more ways than one, LOL. Soon after I bought my plane ticket I used the email system at Sheri’s to contact the Courtesans I wanted to see during my outrageous 11 day stay at Sheri’s and almost immediately began getting very Flirty responses. As schedules get posted I have contacted additional Courtesans and they too have been Flirting with me which I just love. I have been flirting back on Twitter and all around just having a great time planning some special events. Right now I know that Allissa will be taking my Sheri’s Cherry on Feb. 22 and Sasha will be taking my Anal Cherry Feb 24. She does not know it yet but I plan to ask Char to take my Submissive Cherry (gently please Char! LOL) and now I am wondering/hoping if I have more Cherries to lose and who can take them. Ladies, any suggestions please!!!!


    you are getting regular emal contact or just Tweets?

    Big LA Dodger Fan

    I have been getting both eMail and Tweets and eMail is where the Courtesans have been the most flirtatious because there is no limit on the length of the message. I am not sure if it matters but the my initial emails to them have been flirtatious and they may be responding in-kind, but then again I can believe flirting is the norm. Either way it is flattering and fun.


    Good to know. I think it is personaliry based, somewhat.


    I’m glad you’re taking advantage of other ways to connec with us ladies! It really does add to the chemistry when you firsts meet!

    Big LA Dodger Fan

    Allissa, I have to tell you: You are such a sweet and friendly woman. I cannot wait to meet you!


    Aw:) thank you! Blushing 😉 watch out for the naughty side 🙂 can’t wait!

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