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  • #7282

    This was only my 2nd time visiting Sheri’s Ranch, and might I add I truly enjoy the ambiance of this place.

    Because of her small stature, Heather really stood out to me amongst the other girls. We spoke gingerly at the bar for a momnet and then she offered to take me on tour. Right away from watching her walk down the halls, I knew this was the girl for me!

    Negotiations were relatively a breeze, although Heather is new I could tell she was willing to work with me and my budget. Needless to say, I had an amazing time. Heather is sexy, sweet, and definitely enjoys what she does!

    I will be back so see her again. Thanks Heather!



    Heather Lynn

    Sorry it took me so long to reply, I almost missed this here. Thank you again for the wonderful review sweetheart . I had a really nice time with you and hope to see you again very soon! I still owe you that massage! 🙂


    Heather Lynn


    Better late then never, I always say!! 😉 It truly was a pleasure being able to spend some much needed quality time with you. I highly anticipate and look forward to our next encounter!! 🙂 😉

    P.S. I will definitely have to take you up on that massage offer the next time!! 🙂


    Hey, don’t I know you from somewhere??

    LOL, Great review PurdueFan, sounds like you had an awesome time with Heather Lynn! 🙂

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