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  • #13872

    Hey Kyle, I suggest you go visit some of the ladies profile pages to see which ones interest you. Preferable email them if your time line allows, knowing they can only have access while at the ranch during their limited free time. You can also follow several of the ladies on twitter. This will give you an insight to some of their personality. Send a couple of twittes, so they get to know you.
    If you get to the ranch before making a choice. You will be greeted by a hostess. You can request to talk to several of your favorites or all of them. The ladies are usally allowed about 10 minutes to woo you, then the next one will come by. If you develop a connection, tell her and she can stay longer to interest you into a party.


    I emailed several of them a few weeks ago, but responses have been few and far between. That’s why I was asking about how long I would have to talk to them in person after I arrived. Based on the few responses I’ve received, it seems meeting in person is the better way to go to try and establish a connection.


    Don’t know about that, Kyle. I sent off a few emails and got a few replies and had a great connection with one particular courtesan and have been exchanging party ideas and general chit chat with her for about a month now, off and on, when she is at the Ranch and has time and access to the computer. I have a room booked in the hotel for the night and a late appointment booked with her and also hope to spend some time before the party in her company in the bar earlier in the day to get to know her even better, have her show me around the ranch, and get the business end taken care of ahead of time so that when the time comes, all the focus can be on party fun. If I had not emailed and struck up a rapport with a courtesan, even though I know i will be nervous, it being my first brothel visit, (though not a virgin), I think I will be much more at ease having communicated via email, and hopefully the connection with her will be stronger for it. I highly recommend the email route.


    I must not be explaining this very clearly. I have sent off emails to several ladies, but they don’t seem to be all that interested in actually answering any questions or striking up a rapport. One lady even told me to only email her if I wanted to set up an appointment. The only lady that really tried to answer my questions and build a connection no longer works there.

    I suppose part of the issue is that I don’t know when I will be able to make a trip out to visit. Is the lack of a solid date for a visit a potential hindrance to developing a connection with any of the ladies?

    John Doe

    I sent off a few emails and decided that the courtesan who responded with the best feedback and seemed interested in me as well would be my choice. It’s understandable that the ladies are busy and not everyone is personable via a computer as face to face. When I got an email back saying just make an appointment there was no chance of me doing that. That’s just me needing a connection and reassurance of a possible party. Approach on how the email is worded might get better responses not that you didn’t just saying a possibility. Also, I have found a lady making a great connection with and have booked with her because of that. It doesn’t hurt either that she is downright gorgeous with a sweet personality. Keep emailing them, my gut feeling is all the ladies are fantastic and you will get the right one for you.


    I believe a lady should take some email time to get to know someone with an interest in partying wth her.


    A couple of ladies have responded recently, so I’ll see where those go from here.


    As email correspondence has been mostly a big failure, and due to a change of heart, I will not be visiting Sheri’s Ranch anytime in the future.


    Sorry to hear that ShyKyle9,

    As for me, I just booked for a girl one week in advance. I sent an email to her and have not received a reply from her yet, but this won’t deter me. Though, it would have been nice to get an email communication going so we can plan in advance. But, I will base my decision on how well the face-to-face communication goes, not her online personality. If she does not fit the bill, then it will be a big disappointment, but hey I have 5 other girls that I would like to meet if that does happen.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by jalrey.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by jalrey.
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