- This topic has 37 replies, 16 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 9 months ago by
Maverick. This post has been viewed 26484 times
May 7, 2013 at 7:37 pm #1734
ParticipantIts a Free country. the Ladies Are ADULTS & The Customers are ADULTS
May 8, 2013 at 6:18 am #1735thepretender
You are a fraud. I am sure you enjoyed having people of integrity and sincerity respond to your puerile prank. You owe everyone an apology. I am not amused by your sick joke. I will not waste another moment of my time contemplating how your mind became so twisted. You are contemptible and pathetic.
May 8, 2013 at 2:40 pm #1737Darkwinter
ParticipantHi all new to the boards. Char knows who i am. Tee hee.
I saw this post and had to kinda chime in. What we have here is a internet troll. This person posts negative posts to get people riled up. While the troll sits back and laughs. So if ya wanna get the best of this person. Ya slip into ignore mode. Easiest thing to do.
But i will have some fun with this anyway.
The women at Sheri’s made there choice to have sex with men. Not forced. People are allowed at some extent to do what they will or want. Can’t tell a person otherwise.
And do you think any woman would love to have a chance to be squeezed, pinched, and so forth by many men anyway? I know a few women that enjoy that thinking.
Im sure the reason why not many of the women haven’t replied. Cause it isn’t really worth there time or effort to explain anything to you. If i wasn’t bored right now i wouldn’t have either.
So other then this one last comment.
Amy i have this burning feeling in my toes. If it’s the devil coming to get me. Ya coming along for the ride with me. tee hee.
May 8, 2013 at 8:58 pm #1740Amber Lynn
ParticipantWow! What an incredibly interesting thread! I was a bit taken back after reading it…
Oh Miss Amy…where do I even begin?
You are abolsulety right the women here at Sheri’s are beautiful! We are well rounded, intelligent, and many of us highly educated fabulous women that abolutely love what we do! So I am sorry that you have developed all these preconcieved notions about us without even taking the opprotunity to really get to know us. My heart goes out to you, and your misguided thought process as to how I wake up and go to sleep every day. I can assure you that I wake up in the morning and start my day with a cup of coffee, not at all what you insinuate…I can also assure you that I am not abused in the sense that you are referring to. It seems that you have fallen in to the trap of believing all the negative stereotypes that surround this business, while condeming us all to hell! Wow! Let he who is without sin cast the first stone…
MissAmy…I am not quite sure where you have obtained your information, but I promise you that it is NOT accurate! Perhaps next time you decide to go on a crazy rant you do you homework prior to making yourself look ridiculous!
On a side note thank you to all of our special friends on the forum for chimming in…you are all fabulous!
May 8, 2013 at 9:07 pm #1741Olivia
ParticipantMissAmy: WOW…. Let me just stop and take your (obviously well thought out) post in for just a minute.. No pun intended. Ok..
First of all, we ladies are never forced or obligated to be with anyone or do anything that we do not feel comfortable participating in.. That is the beauty of being an independednt contractor.. I get to decide what I want, who I want, so on and so forth..
Second of all, you clearly have no understanding of what it takes to work in a LEGAL brothel.. We are tested the day we arrive and every week that we are here… There has not been a single report of an STD coming from a regulated, LEGAL brothel since 1986.. You might want to check some resources before jumping to the conclusion that we ladies all have and transfer STD’s to our clients..
As far as all the pinching, slaping, caressing, squeezing, biting, sucking and otherwise abuse to our bodies. I’m not sure if you thought that this was another house that happens to be on tv, that portrays this line of work in a not so flattering manner.. BUT there is none of that in the bar or other public areas of Sheri’s.. Behind closed doors is another story of coursebut even that is done in a way that the lady is always in charge, and is not in a degrading way..
I personally start my morning with a good workout, I like to run.. But even if I did start my morning making money doing what I like to do, isn’t that what I am here for anyway? Who are you to pass judgement on me or anyone for that matter? The last I remember, only God can judge me.. And the God I know, would never talk to anyone in such a disrespectful way and try to cover it with “concern”..
I’m going to stop myself here before I go on a crazy rant like you have.. All I can say is I hope you open your mind to what everyone here has responded with and choose to see what we do in a different light, with better information.. Have a good day..
“Who are you to judge the life I live? I am not perfect and I don’t have to be! But before you start pointing your fingers, make sure your hands are clean.”
-Bob MarleyMay 8, 2013 at 11:44 pm #1748Pierced
ParticipantDon’t feed the trolls.
May 9, 2013 at 1:50 am #1750mrpaul
ParticipantI have been to several brothels thru-out Nevada I have seen the worst and likely (what I thought at the time) the best. At no time were an ladies “forced” into anything.
I enjoy sex, and my wife and I no longer have sex and I don’t want an std.. so this is my best (and legal) option.
Oh and some would say that Jesus Christ may have dated a prostitute so are you condemning him to burn in hell as well?
May 9, 2013 at 3:54 pm #1759Flint
ParticipantPierced is correct.
May 9, 2013 at 5:18 pm #1760roswell
Participantsomeone’s man must’ve frequented wonderful Sheri’s Ranch . don’t be such a flatliner Amy
May 10, 2013 at 1:26 pm #1765Pierced
ParticipantWithout feeding this troll, I would like to comment on the nature of the discussion:
There’s an unfortunate growing trend in our country of people becoming upset on behalf of someone else. I’ve never understood this type of attitude. I deal with it a lot here in California with regards to personal cannabis use. What I do with my own flesh vehicle is my own business. This body transports my consciousness through these 4 dimensions we all share ( there are 9 dimensions according to many shaman in the Amazon, and I believe them, I’ve experienced 5, 6, and 7
), but how I choose to use it and what tools I want to use to explore my own cognizance of reality are no one’s choice but my own.
It’s a shame that something as beautiful as religion and spirituality – things that preach love, compassion, and understanding – are often bent and manipulated to be used as implements of hate, bigotry, and oppression. I would like to invite people like MissAmy to have a mushroom trip or eat a fat brownie with me and envelop themselves in some positivity, for example, the words of Dali Lama:
“All religions are essentially the same with their goal of developing a good human heart so that we may become better human beings.”
“If the mind is dominated by hatred, the best part of the brain, which is used to judge right and wrong, does not function properly.”
“For a better, happier, more stable and civilized future, each of us must develop a sincere, warmhearted feeling of brotherhood / sisterhood.”
“If through practice of insight you develop a sense of ease, then time has no relevance. If you’re miserable, time does matter.”
“Feelings of anger, bitterness, and hatred are negative. If I kept them inside me they would spoil my body and my health. They are of no use.”
Nothing but love,
This reply was modified 11 years, 10 months ago by
May 10, 2013 at 1:58 pm #1772Pierced
ParticipantMay 10, 2013 at 3:11 pm #1775Pierced
ParticipantI apologize for the quick double post, but I realized my post script started and new page and I wanted to direct people to the last post of page 2 for my thoughts on the thread. I have more of an opinion than posting a silly movie and I didn’t want it to get lost.
May 10, 2013 at 3:58 pm #1776Charina Lee
ParticipantJust gotta love that line “Don’t feed the troll!”…..
May 13, 2013 at 6:47 pm #1833Maverick
ParticipantSo. you guys think I am being a religious zealot? yet I notice very few women have posted to defend what they are doing.
Its you me that are abusing women. sure you pay them, but the house takes most of that. these women are forced into this line of work at an early age and wind up in places like this, forced to have sex over and over with you dirty old men.
oh, and that feeling between your toes is likely the devil himself trying to get a foothold, try desinex if you want but I suggest changing your lifestyle.
Prostitution is a crime, and you men are profitting from it.I’ll BE BACK!
So. you guys think I am being a religious zealot?
Not necessarily however if you check my first reply to your thread starting post I did note your post was “puritanical” and moreover a “Narrow Construct”. Yet I am certain xenophobic appears to fit like a glove.
yet I notice very few women have posted to defend what they are doing.
Well some did as a courtesy to you as a consequence you were served a spoonful of reality. I hate to break the news to you but the ladies aren’t hanging on your every word and last post. Most ladies will choose to avoid the toxicity of your prose and posture, many folks don’t suffer fools well.
Its you me that are abusing women.
It certainly could be both of you…..or numerous more depending on how many people are actually in there.
sure you pay them, but the house takes most of that.
So now it appears your taking umbrage with management or the “house”. OK, fine, I now see your strategy if you can’t debate on substance, conjecture, then when things start going south change the subject. On a positive note you vacillate with great ease.
these women are forced into this line of work at an early age and wind up in places like this, forced to have sex over and over with you dirty old men.
It sounds like you have polled some of these ladies, perhaps they might come forward in support of your point of view, or perhaps this is more conjecture. As it applies to your “forced” inference, we do find some common ground here. I do not support trafficking/pimping or the like. However, what a woman decides to do with her own body, of her own accord, is a completely different matter altogether.
As far as your dirty old men citation, how dirty and old am I?? Perhaps you should channel your inner Carnac for this query.
oh, and that feeling between your toes is likely the devil himself trying to get a foothold, try desinex if you want but I suggest changing your lifestyle.
Devil??? Perhaps your autonomous assertion of religious zealotry as it applies to your position is well founded. It appears if your looking for the disingenuous party in this thread you might find them in the mirror.
I appreciate your lifestyle advice yet I can’t accept your authority on this issue, as it seems you seem to have a long way to go in the arena yourself.
Prostitution is a crime, and you men are profitting from it.
Now I know your really confused. First, its not illegal in some counties in Nevada, 8 out of Nevada’s 16 counties currently have brothels in operation in some of the other counties it is still legal yet no brothels are operating at this time. Looking more expansively (Something you should look into), in most of the world prostitution is not illegal, pimping however is ( this is where we share common ground.). ” You men” aren’t profiting from it…we fund it…as you so astutely asserted in an earlier post.
Perhaps if only one of the “you me” ‘s posts to the thread you would be able to stand firm with a consistent, cogent and at least plausible position. I would venture to guess the name Amy/Amanda is your middle name because you seem to be posting like Sybil. There seems to be more than one person in there.
Good luck with The “Devil”, the “Lord” and all the cast of characters in between. It is an epic struggle for many and most never make it out alive, they die delusional, conflicted, disturbed and fighting many of life’s natural forces/details.
“Man is the religious animal. He is the only religious animal. He is the only animal that has the True Religion –- several of them. He is the only animal that loves his neighbor as himself and cuts his throat, if his theology isn’t straight. He has made a graveyard of the globe in trying his honest best to smooth his brother’s path to happiness and heaven.” ~ Mark Twain 1835-1910
Best of Luck To You,
May 13, 2013 at 6:50 pm #1834Maverick
ParticipantSo. you guys think I am being a religious zealot? yet I notice very few women have posted to defend what they are doing.
Its you me that are abusing women. sure you pay them, but the house takes most of that. these women are forced into this line of work at an early age and wind up in places like this, forced to have sex over and over with you dirty old men.
oh, and that feeling between your toes is likely the devil himself trying to get a foothold, try desinex if you want but I suggest changing your lifestyle.
Prostitution is a crime, and you men are profitting from it.I’ll BE BACK!
So. you guys think I am being a religious zealot?
Not necessarily however if you check my first reply to your thread starting post I did note your post was “puritanical” and moreover a “Narrow Construct”. Yet I am certain xenophobic appears to fit like a glove.
yet I notice very few women have posted to defend what they are doing.
Well some did as a courtesy to you as a consequence you were served a spoonful of reality. I hate to break the news to you but the ladies aren’t hanging on your every word and last post. Most ladies will choose to avoid the toxicity of your prose and posture, many folks don’t suffer fools well.
Its you me that are abusing women.
It certainly could be both of you…..or numerous more depending on how many people are actually in there.
sure you pay them, but the house takes most of that.
So now it appears your taking umbrage with management or the “house”. OK, fine, I now see your strategy if you can’t debate on substance, conjecture, then when things start going south change the subject. On a positive note you vacillate with great ease.
these women are forced into this line of work at an early age and wind up in places like this, forced to have sex over and over with you dirty old men.
It sounds like you have polled some of these ladies, perhaps they might come forward in support of your point of view, or perhaps this is more conjecture. As it applies to your “forced” inference, we do find some common ground here. I do not support trafficking/pimping or the like. However, what a woman decides to do with her own body, of her own accord, is a completely different matter altogether.
As far as your dirty old men citation, how dirty and old am I?? Perhaps you should channel your inner Carnac for this query.
oh, and that feeling between your toes is likely the devil himself trying to get a foothold, try desinex if you want but I suggest changing your lifestyle.
Devil??? Perhaps your autonomous assertion of religious zealotry as it applies to your position is well founded. It appears if your looking for the disingenuous party in this thread you might find them in the mirror.
I appreciate your lifestyle advice yet I can’t accept your authority on this issue, as it seems you seem to have a long way to go in the arena yourself.
Prostitution is a crime, and you men are profitting from it.
Now I know your really confused. First, its not illegal in some counties in Nevada, 8 out of Nevada’s 16 counties currently have brothels in operation in some of the other counties it is still legal yet no brothels are operating at this time. Looking more expansively (Something you should look into), in most of the world prostitution is not illegal, pimping however is ( this is where we share common ground.). ” You men” aren’t profiting from it…we fund it…as you so astutely asserted in an earlier post.
Perhaps if only one of the “you me” ‘s posts to the thread you would be able to stand firm with a consistent, cogent and at least plausible position. I would venture to guess the name Amy/Amanda is your middle name because you seem to be posting like Sybil. There seems to be more than one person in there.
Good luck with The “Devil”, the “Lord” and all the cast of characters in between. It is an epic struggle for many and most never make it out alive, they die delusional, conflicted, disturbed and fighting many of life’s natural forces/details.
“Man is the religious animal. He is the only religious animal. He is the only animal that has the True Religion –- several of them. He is the only animal that loves his neighbor as himself and cuts his throat, if his theology isn’t straight. He has made a graveyard of the globe in trying his honest best to smooth his brother’s path to happiness and heaven.” ~ Mark Twain 1835-1910
Best of Luck To You,
May 21, 2013 at 6:09 pm #1941Maverick
ParticipantSo. you guys think I am being a religious zealot? yet I notice very few women have posted to defend what they are doing.
Its you me that are abusing women. sure you pay them, but the house takes most of that. these women are forced into this line of work at an early age and wind up in places like this, forced to have sex over and over with you dirty old men.
oh, and that feeling between your toes is likely the devil himself trying to get a foothold, try desinex if you want but I suggest changing your lifestyle.
Prostitution is a crime, and you men are profitting from it.I’ll BE BACK!
So. you guys think I am being a religious zealot?
Not necessarily however if you check my first reply to your thread starting post I did note your post was “puritanical” and moreover a “Narrow Construct”. Yet I am certain xenophobic appears to fit like a glove.
yet I notice very few women have posted to defend what they are doing.
Well some did as a courtesy to you as a consequence you were served a spoonful of reality. I hate to break the news to you but the ladies aren’t hanging on your every word and last post. Most ladies will choose to avoid the toxicity of your prose and posture, many folks don’t suffer fools well.
Its you me that are abusing women.
It certainly could be both of you…..or numerous more depending on how many people are actually in there.
sure you pay them, but the house takes most of that.
So now it appears your taking umbrage with management or the “house”. OK, fine, I now see your strategy if you can’t debate on substance, conjecture, then when things start going south change the subject. On a positive note you vacillate with great ease.
these women are forced into this line of work at an early age and wind up in places like this, forced to have sex over and over with you dirty old men
It sounds like you have polled some of these ladies, perhaps they might come forward in support of your point of view, or perhaps this is more conjecture. As it applies to your “forced” inference, we do find some common ground here. I do not support trafficking/pimping or the like. However, what a woman decides to do with her own body, of her own accord, is a completely different matter altogether.
As far as your dirty old men citation, how dirty and old am I?? Perhaps you should channel your inner Carnac for this query.
oh, and that feeling between your toes is likely the devil himself trying to get a foothold, try desinex if you want but I suggest changing your lifestyle.
Devil??? Perhaps your autonomous assertion of religious zealotry as it applies to your position is well founded. It appears if your looking for the disingenuous party in this thread you might look within.
I appreciate your lifestyle advice yet I can’t accept your authority on this issue, as it seems you seem to have a long way to go in the arena yourself.
Prostitution is a crime, and you men are profitting from it.
First, its not illegal in some counties in Nevada, 8 out of Nevada’s 16 counties currently have brothels in operation in some of the other counties it is still legal yet no brothels are operating at this time. Looking more expansively (Something you should look into), in most of the world prostitution is not illegal, pimping however is ( this is where we share common ground.). ” You men” aren’t profiting from it…we fund it…as you so astutely asserted in an earlier post.
If you choose to accuse the men on the board of wrongdoing I would suggest that you either make clear who and what your allegations are, or if this is not possible, at the very least, choose not to accuse a singular party of dual offenses that are diametrically opposed. Perhaps you may gain some credibility of which at this point you have none.
Perhaps if only one of the “you me” ‘s posts to the thread you would be able to stand firm with a consistent, cogent and at least plausible position. I would venture to guess the name Amy/Amanda is your middle name because you seem to be posting like Sybil. There seems to be more than one person in there.
Good luck with The “Devil”, the “Lord” and all the cast of characters in between. It is an epic struggle for many and most never make it out alive, they die delusional, conflicted, disturbed and fighting many of life’s natural forces/details.
“Man is the religious animal. He is the only religious animal. He is the only animal that has the True Religion –- several of them. He is the only animal that loves his neighbor as himself and cuts his throat, if his theology isn’t straight. He has made a graveyard of the globe in trying his honest best to smooth his brother’s path to happiness and heaven.” ~ Mark Twain 1835-1910
Best of Luck To You,
May 25, 2013 at 12:31 pm #2108smoothtalker
ParticipantHi all
For Amy and all: a true story of sex, God, grace and gratitude
First Time breathed deeply before opening the door to Sheri’s. On his drive over, First Time thought again of what he was about to do, of all who wouldn’t understand, and the door he was about to open both literally and figuratively. Now at that door, he opened and entered.
Later that evening, he took his seat at the bar. One of the ladies he had hoped to meet was there. She was kind and cordial, and over the course of the conversation, showed her self to be intelligent and purposeful. As talk of a party together entered in, she smiled and said to him, “You wouldn’t want me to be your first.” First Time didn’t feel rejected. He appreciated her sensitivity. A party happened later with a different lady. After, in his hotel room at Sheri’s, First Time took inventory of his emotions. He thought he would feel guilt but did not. He wasn’t sure what the ladies would be like he met, and he discovered genuine fondness.
First Time returned over several weeks and months. With many of the ladies, conversations would turn to the spiritual. It was a matter First Time had lifetime experience in. The ladies shared about their journeys, their current questions, and the prominence of faith in their life. On more than one occasion, the lady would express physical pain she was experiencing. In her room, First Time would pray and healing came in that moment. One even exclaimed, “How did you do that?” He said, “God loves you. It’s all him.”
Physical healing. Conversations that result in emotional healing. Life counsel. God in a brothel? Grace in experience? The inexplicable in the unexpected?
I am grateful to follow the One in whose genealogy is a prostitute; who is named son of David the man after God’s own heart, who slept with another man’s wife and yet from such union descended the Savior. I willingly follow Jesus who makes me as I should be in His time, ruthlessly confronting all that is not right within me, yet making me to be more than I ever dreamed.
Some will enter this brothel and decide they should never again. Others will enter and, having done so, will have found an avenue of hope and second chance. A few lady’s that work here will do so in worship of money. Many will work here, and in that time however long it be, will treat it as a vehicle of meaningful service. There are lady’s here who will work with no belief in God . There are others here who will greet or end the day in prayer and lay their life upon the lap of grace.
As for me, like First Time, I have found my time at Sheri’s to be a place of discovery that has led to better living and better choices. I am grateful.
This reply was modified 11 years, 9 months ago by
This reply was modified 11 years, 9 months ago by
May 28, 2013 at 4:20 pm #2210Maverick
ParticipantHi all
For Amy and all: a true story of sex, God, grace and gratitude
First Time breathed deeply before opening the door to Sheri’s. On his drive over, First Time thought again of what he was about to do, of all who wouldn’t understand, and the door he was about to open both literally and figuratively. Now at that door, he opened and entered.
Later that evening, he took his seat at the bar. One of the ladies he had hoped to meet was there. She was kind and cordial, and over the course of the conversation, showed her self to be intelligent and purposeful. As talk of a party together entered in, she smiled and said to him, “You wouldn’t want me to be your first.” First Time didn’t feel rejected. He appreciated her sensitivity. A party happened later with a different lady. After, in his hotel room at Sheri’s, First Time took inventory of his emotions. He thought he would feel guilt but did not. He wasn’t sure what the ladies would be like he met, and he discovered genuine fondness.
First Time returned over several weeks and months. With many of the ladies, conversations would turn to the spiritual. It was a matter First Time had lifetime experience in. The ladies shared about their journeys, their current questions, and the prominence of faith in their life. On more than one occasion, the lady would express physical pain she was experiencing. In her room, First Time would pray and healing came in that moment. One even exclaimed, “How did you do that?” He said, “God loves you. It’s all him.”
Physical healing. Conversations that result in emotional healing. Life counsel. God in a brothel? Grace in experience? The inexplicable in the unexpected?
I am grateful to follow the One in whose genealogy is a prostitute; who is named son of David the man after God’s own heart, who slept with another man’s wife and yet from such union descended the Savior. I willingly follow Jesus who makes me as I should be in His time, ruthlessly confronting all that is not right within me, yet making me to be more than I ever dreamed.
Some will enter this brothel and decide they should never again. Others will enter and, having done so, will have found an avenue of hope and second chance. A few lady’s that work here will do so in worship of money. Many will work here, and in that time however long it be, will treat it as a vehicle of meaningful service. There are lady’s here who will work with no belief in God . There are others here who will greet or end the day in prayer and lay their life upon the lap of grace.
As for me, like First Time, I have found my time at Sheri’s to be a place of discovery that has led to better living and better choices. I am grateful.
Smooth….Dude…..gotta love your prime, priceless and peerless pen. As you would know ( probably better than anyone else on the planet) I couldn’t lay it down like you did. As one of my best and closest personal friends, not only do I appreciate your point of view but your expansive philosophy that allows your understanding and friendship of a bona fide “heathen bachelor”. I could have laid down the scripture but it would have been served with more than a little spice, your refined sensibilities truly define your class, grace and devotion to faith. Dare I say if religious hierarchy could/would have taken notes from you chances are countless lives could have been spared and hostilities/intolerance would be at an all time low. In addition, if your spiritual beliefs are indeed authentic and real, your faith, in accordance with your posture advances your charge and slate.
Well done!!!
Hey Amy, Take a good look at your chosen book of faith, Jesus Christ’s best friends were a prostitute and 12 seemingly unemployed guys. Jump off your pedestal and get real!!!!!!!!!!
My Best,
This reply was modified 11 years, 9 months ago by
This reply was modified 11 years, 10 months ago by
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