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    Topic: All Access Pass… Montana-Sheri’s Ranch…

    CWM Message Board (a.k.a. SIN, sex-in-Nevada) Moderator and Featured Lady of the Month Interviewer Rick James’ said, “This month I get to sit down and get candid with Montana from Sheri’s Ranch…”

    Rick: Montana, How are you?

    Montana: I am doing quite well thank you.

    Rick: How was this past year for you?

    Montana: 2014 has not been my best year yet but it has still been a great year for meeting new friends and lovers

    Rick: Well hopefully 2015 is a great year for all of us…
    So lets get started…

    What’s the biggest mistake that you see today’s clients make when coming into the houses?

    Montana: The biggest mistake I see today’s clients make when coming into the brothel, that has them leaving with unhappy faces and unfulfilled desires, is choosing a partner simply by their looks, getting excited and “stuck” on wanting this one girl, with no idea of costs involved in the negotiation of parties with said partner. What does this mean truly? You come in, choose the sweet little thing in the corner that looks like your first high school sweetheart, ask her to give you a tour, try to negotiate a party, and get walked because you have no wiggle room in your budget and she is unwilling to negotiate to your price point or time frame. After this walk, the prospective client leaves with a dejected face and the industry has potentially lost another client because they are unwilling to subject themselves to the feelings of rejection or unhappiness that this process has created. You see this same problem often when girls are chosen strictly from a lineup. My recommendation for not having this happen – come in with a list of a few girls that you are interested in, ask to talk to them all if possible, and just hint at the budget that you are working with. While the girls cannot negotiate anywhere but in their room, you can get a feel for whether or not she warms to your offered dollar amount. To truly get the best experience possible, do not get yourself stuck on one girl before you have partied with her. Also know that, even if the negotiation does not work out with your first choice, unless you are being totally unrealistic in your expectations, there is a professional in the house that will work with you and the play you get will probably be better than what you would have experienced with the first lady who did not accept your offering.

    Rick: Tell us about your entire first day/night working in a brothel, what was it like?

    Montana: My first day working at a brothel was exciting, eye-opening, sexually stimulating, and…May I say, Scary as hell? Never having worked in any type of adult industry before, the process of stepping out of my usual Montana-based life and becoming “Montana” within the world of brothels was simply fascinating to me. Before this first day, I had seen the HBO Cathouse series while I had been injured and sitting on my butt at home and thought I just had to go play. No, I wasn’t totally naïve to the sex game, because unbeknownst to most, Montana has a very large and active swinger community that usually allowed me to release my inner Sexual Demons. But I wanted to try my hand, and sexual prowess at the game of “Pay for Play.” So I sent in photos, got hired, booked a ticket to Reno, and was on my way. When you are first picked up by a limo and have seen the other fun things on television that can come along with this profession, you really feel kind of spoiled. My first ride was shared with a lovely lady named “Candi” and a very talkative and helpful driver. We went to the doctor’s office directly from the airport for our medical testing where the reality of what I had set out to do hit me. This “Wow” moment happened when I had to write down that I was there for medical testing to work at a brothel. Most places that work with us require us to actually list our occupation as a prostitute; that can be really intimidating the first time you have to write it down because we are all aware of the societal stigma about prostitution. However, because those around me seemed to be pretty blasé about the whole thing, I calmed down and just found pleasure in the wicked knowledge of what I was about to be doing. We got to the brothel and from there was checked into my room, filled out my paperwork, and proceeded to wait for the doctor’s testing to be complete. In the meantime, the trainer, as you will- a former working girl, walked us new girls through different procedures and rules we needed to follow. We were actually offered some interesting historical tidbits about prostitution, such as the old practice of washing a man’s cock and balls in a big pan with warm water before playtime commenced. We were provided with tips and techniques for successfully negotiating a party, the time restraints the house wanted us to impose, and just all the other behind the scenes type of information. After this, it was time to eat some dinner and head to bed; where obviously I couldn’t sleep because I was so nervous about the next day… The next day being the start of my career in pleasuring those who choose to join me in erotic adventures.

    Rick: Why do today’s clients put such emphasis on the 1hr party?

    Montana: Honestly, I am not the courtesan you should direct this question to because, although no one would know without having negotiated with me, I do not negotiate according to time or specific activity. I know…very unorthodox in this profession but it is true. However, I would think that the emphasis is placed on the 1-hour party because the time is easy to calculate, the client wants bonding time (whatever type of bonding they prefer)and they do not want to be rushed and feel the pressure to “get in and get out.” Additionally, they may feel as if they can themselves watch the clock and not be short-changed time if the lady may unfortunately be in this habit.

    Rick: Belle Knox wrote an interesting piece in rolling stone about legalizing prostitution everywhere-


    NBA commissioner Adam Silver has recently voiced support for legalized sports betting in all states-

    We’ve seen legalized marijuana hit a few more states, with surely more/eventually all to come… Times are changing and every state is looking for more and more ways to increase revenue…
    Will all states eventually legalize prostitution, and should they?

    Montana: In my opinion, the states should legalize prostitution but I do not believe they will. Our society still has too many people that do not agree with the idea of prostitution in any manner and I do not believe that this thought process will change. I do not think this change will occur because in our “democratic” society too many people are allowed to voice their opinion, whether valid or not, and the idea of prostitution has so many naysayers. If the industry were legalized, standardization, taxation, and regulation could occur; all incredible benefits for the cities, counties, and states. These benefits would also be realized by those providing and receiving the services. However, those against legalization feel that prostitution degrades our moral code, causes familial discord, increases the risk of health and safety problems, and exploits those who choose to provide the services, among other undefined nuisances. Therefore, the strong polarization caused by even the idea of the industry, I believe will not be overcome to allow for the legalization of prostitution with the United States.

    Rick: We’ve recently seen two longtime brothel owners retire, and a few more houses have closed over the years… In that respect, LPIN is mirroring our society today businesses that we thought would be around forever have either closed their doors or have changed their business model drastically…
    Where do you see LPIN in the next 5 to 10 years?

    Montana: Hmm, where do I see LPIN in the next 5 to 10 years? I see the industry shrinking smaller and smaller as time goes on. Businesses in areas of the state that are in more rural locations will see financial hardships. Expendable cash for many is much more difficult to come by with the economic changes we have seen within our country over the last few years. Without this expendable cash, luxury purchases, such as pussy, are not going to be in the budget. Also, without more of the owners within the industry pushing ahead in a more visible way I actually see some of the individual establishments in financial trouble within 10 years. I believe, as already witnessed in the 5 1/2 years I have been at Sheri’s that walk-in-traffic will continue to decrease, amounts offered for services will decrease, and the number of providers will decrease. I do not think that the industry will completely fade away but individual businesses will have to improve their operations to be able to survive with leaner incomes.

    Rick: Thanks Montana!

    Montana is currently featured at Sheri’s Ranch…

    For more information about this month’s featured lady, and Sheri’s ranch, click below…

    *Montana submitted a bunch more pics that I was regrettably not able to upload correctly in time… If I can get it figured out, I will add them to this thread*…


    I thought this was a great honor to be asked to be their first Featured Lady. I also hope that the answers to the questions may help some who venture in to enjoy our erotic play at Sheri’s.

    Also, if anyone has any other questions they would like to ask me, please send me an email and I will do my best to help make your experience an amazing one when you make your way in.



    Kellie Love

    Very well spoken Montana! An absolute pleasure to read!

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