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  • This topic has 8 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 2 months ago by Dex. This post has been viewed 5760 times
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    Despite having been to Sheri’s in the past, I’ve never negotiated parties before and I have a question: Regarding the sales negotiations for the parties with the courtesans, I was wondering how “stressful” are they?

    The reason I ask is because I keep thinking how stressful it was for me when sales people tried to approach me to get me to buy, such as:

    (1) Buying a car. You tell the salesperson you can only spend so much money on a car. The salesperson tell you not to worry, they have the car that is “right within your budget”… of course, that’s not including all of the “upsells” and “hidden fees” they tack on and when you say it’s out of your budget, they make you feel bad if you don’t take the “extras” (two out of my last three car buying experiences are like that. The one that wasn’t was when I bought my Saturn with their “one price, no hassle, no haggle” policy, which I actually liked).

    (2) Wealth/Money Making Seminars. I’ve attended a few of these seminars that were supposed to be either “free” or there is a very nominal fee of like, fifty bucks to attend, only to realize I’ve walked into a huge sales pitch where the person does everything he can to get you to purchase the thousand dollar training and if you don’t have a thousand dollars on you, they show you how to use “OPM” (other people’s money. In other words, a “credit card”).

    Of course, that thousand dollars is only “basic” training. If you want the “advanced” training, you’ll have to increase the spending limit on your credit card to thirty thousand dollars :-o!!!

    (3) Dating Services. This has got to be one of my worst experiences with a salesperson, where in more than one occasion, the salesperson would tell me “…oh, don’t worry about money. We can accommodate all budgets!” I’ve been to at least three dating services in my area and I don’t think I’ve seen a “package” that was less than about $1,500.00.

    One time (I kid you not), the salesperson literally locked me up in her office (yes… she locked the door) and literally berated me until I gave in and purchased the three thousand dollar package which consists of them “mailing” me profiles of of women, and some of them didn’t even fit my “preferences”. They were supposed to mail me one ever week for my three grand and sometimes, they either couldn’t do that or mailed me pictures of the same woman 🙁 !!!

    By the way… I never got to go on a date with any of the women whose profiles they sent me 🙁 .

    No offense to anybody whose reading this who might be: (a) a car salesperson, (b) a wealth/money making sales person or (c) a dating salesperson, but hopefully, you can see why I’m really nervous. I know I’ve read in various parts of this website and forum that the ladies will respect your budget (a budget that kind of shrunk after another car plowed into my parked car and now I have to pay a five hundred dollar deductible and another two hundred bucks in expenses even though it was not my fault 🙁 🙁 ), but in the three cases above, the salesperson all said they “respected” my budget (only the Saturn guy actually kinda did).

    So, long story short: compared to buying a car, going to a wealth building seminar and trying to find “the love of your life” (for a small sum of three grand 😉 ) at a dating service…

    How stressful/easy is it to negotiate a party with a courtesan?


    • This topic was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by 1lovekristi.

    You will be pleasantly surprised at how easy it is. The very first lady you meet in the bar is the hardest. This not because of her, but because of your nerves. If you haven’t decided on a lady or two beforehand ask the hostess if you could meet some of the ladies. She will make sure you get to spend about 10 minutes with whoever is available at the time.

    Once you have met the one ask for a tour or if you can retire to her room to negotiate. Negotiations are pretry straight forward. Tell her what you are looking for and be specific because that is what you will get during the party. Tell her how long you were thinking of and she will let you know what she would charge. If it is beyond your budget then let her know what you are comfortable spending. All the ladies will try to come up with a goodifferent alternative for your budget. Keep in mind that you can always ask to return to the bar to meet another lady if it doesn’t look like things will work out. Now for the most important part, always be respectful and courteous. Be clean, neatly dressed and we’ll groomed. Word gets around real fast if you are not. Lastly, your there to have fun. Plans are just plans and don’t always work out. Make it the time of your life.


    the hardest thing for someone new is to decline to have the party due to budget and return to the bar.


    We are all independent contractors, so we all may have different negotiation styles. I don’t think anyone would make you feel as uncomfortable as the examples you gave though! If you come in and know exactly what you want and for how long, and I give you a price that is outside of your budget I will almost certainly ask if you are willing to come up a certain amount. I do that, not to pressure you, but because I want to find the compromise on your budget that will get you as close to everything you wanted as possible. But if your budget is firm, I will still give you as long and as many activities as I can within that budget. And we will still have an amazing time. And I’m sure that’s true for all the ladies of the house!


    Here’s the straight dope…..

    I normally like to just set the pace by explaining right from the start that I’m a working class stiff that doesn’t have a million dollars to spend. I don’t say it like that, of course, but by putting out my budget and asking if and what I can get with that kind of budget I can get past the initial ‘sticker shock’ nonsense…which is usually the part that guys talk about being uncomfortable. Now, keep in mind that this assumes you are EDUCATED prior to arrival and understand what a reasonable going rate is for ‘pay for play.’ Also know that there are girls on either side of that ‘reasonable rate’ depending on the house, the girl, how business has been, and about a million other things.

    I’ve been doing this for almost 14 years now….

    Most of the time, my tried and true method has resulted in either a “Oh we can have plenty of fun for that…” Or “Well….I could probably do something like this for that amount…but it wouldn’t be for very long.” as a starting point.

    On a handful of occasions….probably like…3 maybe? I’ve had women just simply balk at the offer. For whatever reason this has always been with someone that REALLY leaned on me to walk back with her and that I only half wanted to talk to about a party. Whether or not that has any impact on the result, I don’t know…but I say it because it goes to my tried and true method of seeing who you ‘click’ with – regardless if they were on your radar – before asking if they’d like to have fun.



    good to hear from you, Dex and helpful information.


    Sounds like good advice Dex. The problem I’m having is getting ” educated ” as you call it. I have never done anything like this before so with that being said I’m totally clueless. Any suggestions on how to get ” educated ” ? I’m really wanting to plan a trip to Sheri’s soon but I need some idea about how much $$ to bring for the time of my life! I know and respect that the ladies are unable to discuss this online, so any advice anyone has to offer would be much appreciated. Perhaps its ok if some of the clients contact me to clue me in ( ddavis1287@aol.com ) Moderator, please remove this post if its inappropriate.


    Dan can you bring a credit card with a reasonable limit? Maybe some cash as well?


    If you haven’t done so, Dan; Read my guide to Newbies. It will fill in a lot of the blanks I should think.

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