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  • #13191

    I was pleased to see more pictures from Trina Diamond, Kitty Cat, Allissa, and few other courtesans.

    Will Amber Lynn and some other courtesans include new pictures onto their profiles in the future?


    All Sheri’s Ranch Courtesans update their photos regularly. Sheri’s Ranch schedules the Ladies for new pics too.

    Ellie has fantastic new photos. She’s truly more gorgeous in person than her photos indicate. Romanian Ellie is the true elusive 10!

    Ellie’s Official Page profile, preferences, body stats, schedule, party types she caters, photos and reviews: http://www.sherisranch.com/lady.aspx?id=558


    I really would like to see videos from each lady as stills do not show their full personality.


    I second what Flint say about videos, plus it gives us a chance to hear their sexy voices 🙂


    At one time Sheri’s Ranch produced their own mock video news clips starring Sheri’s Courtesans. However, these were all removed a few years ago. Many Sheri’s Ladies have professional careers, business associates and families in the world outside Sheri’s Ranch and videos tend to reveal too much. Some of our Ladies don’t show their faces either and that causes special problems in filming and editing. Also, a Courtesan could be identified by her voice alone. There’s the problem of people copying videos too. Videos are simply too invasive and still photos are much easier to select for posting because the ones that expose too much or don’t depict a Lady’s true beauty can simply be discarded. In addition, Courtesans regularly sit for photos but videos pose the problem of camera fright too because not everyone feels comfortable acting.

    The only videos on this website are these videos produced by Sheri’s Ranch http://www.sherisranch.com/videos.aspx and there are some videos in Sheri’s Blogs http://newblog.sherisranch.com/. A few videos are available on YouTube too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3g5diRCgpc&index=3&list=PLcQNC3OHyr4yba7W3VGrtPUaEIttU0-ak.

    The best way to ascertain the overall beauty and seductiveness of Sheri’s Courtesans is to actually visit Sheri’s Ranch frequently. In that way when a Courtesan excessively arouses a client they may whisk her off to a party room for lustful sex!


    The blog videos are no longer available, FF, the account has been banned by the hosting site according to a notice. I agree with Flint and UK Pete. I think the points you raise are valid as far as something for all courtesans to do, but it would be nice to see videos of courtesans who are willing to do one. I remember a joint interview video of, I believe, Riley and Destini I believe, if memory serves that was just wonderful and enlightening. Char also did one, (her face not seen), where she talked about how she liked working out. I miss those tyes of videos.

    Amber Lynn

    @rewith85man I have plans to get a new photo shoot within the next month! Woo Woo!!! Stay tuned!

    Kellie Love

    I have new photos coming soon! And I will have my face showing, so that will be a real treat!


    Awaiting the new photos, and trying to be patient…


    We try to update the ladies photo’s every 6 months. I have a lot of ladies and some do want new photo’s and some don’t.

    I would love to do video’s again. I think they show the girls in a more personal way. hmmmm… maybe a project to be taken on for 2015?


    please try to implement it, Dena.

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