- This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 6 months ago by
Flint. This post has been viewed 4820 times
October 30, 2016 at 10:03 pm #19767
ParticipantHi, I’m NightWish. I like playing solitaire, and I had one of the best times of my life at Sheri’s Ranch last Saturday. Now, let me tell you about it!
Oh wait, “A gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell.” Don’t worry, it could be seen as a lucky thing that I may not necessarily be a “gentleman”. Lol, yet I digress, and shall expound upon numerous experiences which occurred in the wee hours of this last Saturday morning until that next morning.
As you might tell from what you have read so far, you may judge me to be as one of those wordy and poetic types, and perhaps further indications made prove true, but that should signal that this commentary may be less than mundane. So, I warn you that I have absolutely no intention for brevity or prudence in my diction. Henceforth, please do your best to create and paint a colorful mural/picture with the words which I shall provide to your disposal as brushes and colors.
It all started many months ago, surfing and browsing the seemingly taboo corners (if there is such a thing) of the Internet in the dark of my room, like most of us do. (Wink) Google results: “Sheri’s Ranch”, a legal brothel in Nye County, Nevada. And just like the rest of us who spotted it that way, my eyes widened, pulse quickened, some parts even thickened and hardened a little just at the thought…I’ll tell you, the “legal” part of the description of the establishment was the first thing to send a green light into my mind. Many of us have heard of, or perhaps explored, the (paraphrasing) “Lastpage” (clears throat) Internet website in order to broaden our horizons, if you know what I mean. Having started off this year by committing myself to create an actual written bucket list, seeing the word “legal”, was more than tantalizing.
As a matter of fact,
I daresay,
that word (legal)
deal.So, perhaps some of you are already thinking, “this is a dude who sees that he can have a sure thing without the risk of getting busted.” Damn straight up, I say out loud to your face with a smile. I’ve been to a local “backpage” cathouse in my city of residence, and indeed, I detected police presence upon leaving that location. Believe me when I say that I felt and thought that I was definitely going to get arrested and taken downtown, and charged for being a “John”. Yes, that was the last time that I gambled that way. (I lucked out and left the area unmolested by police)
So, because I went to a legal brothel, does that make me a commonplace everyday run-of-the-mill “John”? For indulgence sake, let us explore this potential. First, the answer could be a resounding yes. Fact: lots of people go to legal brothels in many parts of many countries of this planet to receive sexual services, and I (officially, yet mundanely) have joined that statistic 🙂 . Second, the answer could be a resounding no. I feel that there is a responsibility to properly define and reflect upon why people go to such an establishment, and to properly and thoroughly understand exactly what people are receiving when we receive services at that establishment. And by people, I mean both male, female, other designations of gender, as well as all manner of orientation (G/L/B…). This more than goes beyond, but perhaps even transcends the first fact and statistical portion.
I’ll spare you the Merriam-Webster dictionary definition of the term “Brothel” and shall now open up to you, in earnest, and share my innermost and vulnerable feelings and thoughts about why I went there. (And went there I did). Please keep in mind that I do not speak for others, however perhaps that my thoughts and opinions overlap/complement and or assist in describing how other patrons may have felt and thought.
I flew in from out of town, and Bing map provided me with exact directions to locate the ranch. It took me nearly a full day of planes and layovers to get to Vegas from Florida. After that it was a rental car to get to Pahrump. It took about an hour to get to Pahrump from Vegas in the middle of the night. Please be careful going through the mountains at 70 mph. Luckily, the sheep and falling rocks were not present, even though road signs told me they might be. I accidentally pulled over and circled through the parking lot of the establishment which is Sheri’s Ranches neighbor. Please go past that one. (oops, I was exhausted, please don’t hate-on-me for that)
Upon entering the parking lot, which was well-maintained and clearly marked, it was apparent that they were celebrating the festivities of the late October season. Their entrance ornamentation was visually and audibly stimulating, delivering the impression that they were neither cheesy nor chintzy.Now, as many of you all know and can connect with, I have been looking at and reading profiles, memorizing faces and names of the ladies on the site. And guess what? You can clearly identify these ladies from their profiles. Yes, they are truly and stunningly way more beautiful than they are in their profiles pictures. (I suppose you would have imagined that regardless) But, as you can imagine the circumstances, when I walked into the bar entrance, which is on the front left side, I just about choked on who was who, just because of the realism factor. And by choked, I mean totally taken aback!
I’m telling you, the Ranches courtesans’ profile pictures might send you to drooling, but when you see these ladies in person, it adds an entire new dimension, which can immediately render you: stunned, thoughtless, dazed, slack-jawed and cross eyed. So, beware all who enter there. Unfortunately, I don’t think that there is anything that I can say in order to prepare you for that experience. So, perhaps all you can do is to take a deep breath, and then give it your best college-try to maintain composure and mental rectitude. No, not kidding. These ladies will knock you off your feet, unless you already frequent establishments where ladies dress and prepare in a number of ways to make this striking type of impression.
Upon a swift scan of the room, I noticed that there were no less than three courtesans and some visitors at the early hour upon my arrival there. I immediately greeted a few ladies on my way up to the bartender in order to ask about my room booking. (Duh, I should’ve went to the front right entrance where the actual parlor is… ) But, I did park on the left side of the parking lot, so I entered in the path of least resistance. Please try not to read too much into that.
So I met the hostess, a couple of the girls and also the booking manager at the office, got my key to my room at the hotel, got cleaned up from my day of travel, and went back to the bar to mingle. One of the courtesans which I had an appointment with later, was already engaged with a gentleman, so I felt that it was prudent to leave her be and joined the hostess and a couple of other ladies who were, at that time indisposed.Introductions were made and, in short order, I asked for a tour of the establishment, since that seems to be one of the traditional things to do. (Yes, I highly recommend that you have a tour, and please tip your tour hostess/courtesan, as it is customary and respectful)
Each of the ladies, hostess, manager, and bartender who I spoke with that early morning upon my arrival were cheerful, professional and personable. There are only a couple of other places that I can recall in the last decade when I was treated in such a manner.Does it seem like I am gushing? Please, I reassure you that I am not some artificial shill for the ranch. I’m just telling you like it is, like I experienced it. But please take this into consideration; my goal was to have a great time marking an item off of a bucket list. I already arrived with a smile on my face. Believe me when I say that it only got better and better, moment by moment as I stayed there for the next 15 hours.
Perhaps it would be prudent not to call out courtesan’s or staff names in this general review, but from early Saturday, 29 October, until early Sunday, 30 October, you know who you are when you are there based on the description of the events in this review.
By the way, did you know that you can order breakfast at the bar? Just make sure to arrange it with the manager the night before. Orders are available at 9 AM. (I recommend the ham and cheese omelet with sourdough toast, sausage, and coffee) It was easily one of the best omelets I’ve had in a long time, perfect firmness and flavors.Well, it is time for me to finally revisit a point which was brought up nearly a page ago; the reason why I decided to go to a legal brothel beyond the “bucket list” point. The answer is simple, yet I will admit stolen from a line in the movie “The Matrix” by the character “mouse” in a scene where that character quotes “To deny yourself that which you desire is to deny yourself that which makes you human.” Wait, it’s more than just curiosity, more than just whim, or lust? (to me)- It’s about satisfying the need to feel and achieve a level of completion and fulfillment in body mind and spirit.
I’m certainly not saying that a person would not be complete if they did not experience a party with a courtesan, nor I should think that we would cheapen it to just getting off having sex, but I am saying that for some people, it could be an experience that can connect essential elements in a person’s life to create a state of fulfillment, balance and connectedness, which they would otherwise be lacking; perhaps creating the result of a more fulfilled, balanced and functional individual. (Just my opinion about things based on my viewpoints and experience)
Since we are digressing, let me also mention that several months ago, I made an appointment with one of the ladies for that Saturday the 29th, just to make a specific commitment in my mind, and create, solidify and perpetuate the goal of being there.Look guys, you can go to this site, and go to the forum all day every day, and drool at all of the gorgeous pictures of all of the gorgeous ladies. However, like I said, there is a universe of difference between the photos and reality. Believe me, you want to experience this reality, because there will be no substitute.
Holy crap, I think I’ve rambled into my fourth page! Speaking of ramblings, I made an acquaintance of another client while I was there having breakfast. This guy also stayed overnight, and came to the bar just after I had finished my breakfast. He ordered his breakfast as well, and then we got to talking for about an hour getting to know each other a little bit. You see, this place brings people together in many ways.
Not too long after breakfast my appointment time arrived. (Giant smile) Please watch for my Ranch courtesan review soon, as I’m still working on it. I have written numerous erotica short stories on another forum, and I’ve been told its good stuff by several readers, but nothing I wrote comes close to what she and I did together, and how it felt that day. I’d love to describe it all in artistic ways from moment to moment, but then I’d have to charge you for it… lol. I can tell you it’s not merely what happened, but how it happened with who it happened with and what was felt, and what it meant by how it was perceived and processed. I know, guys don’t talk about the mushy stuff. But I’m a health professional, and like to have fun with the keyboard, so readers have often gotten a rise out my more creative reports and notes. (He sighs smiling, staring at the wall with his head in his hand as he vividly recalls the day’s events) Ok, here’s a little preview. I got a bungalow package with one gal, and even though that might sound pretty basic, I shit you not, that was totally the f-kin’ bomb! (classy wording, Ikr?)
Body mind and spirit; another thing, which I am disclosing a diagnosed medical fact that I have type II diabetes, that since I had been away traveling enjoying myself, introducing myself to interesting attractive women, getting to know another client who is confident and outgoing enough to allow that, my blood sugar had been down evidenced by my glucometer readings by 30 points each day of this entire event. No lie.
Yeah, I’m being pretty bold right now saying that my blood sugar went down into normalized typical levels while being in a state of joy, decreased stress and increased physical activity(if you know what I mean, wink wink?). But, like I said, I’ve got evidence by an electronic device. My diet and meds barely changed, but all of the events which I experienced that weekend were a complete opposite of my typical activities and duties of daily life. So, I am recklessly and irresponsibly stating (please take that as a waiver of responsibility) that visiting a legal brothel and engaging in those intended legal activities, can be physically healthy for you. (Please note that this is only my opinion based on how I feel and what my blood sugar readings said during the time of my visit. I am not of a qualified medical professional level and do not intend to diagnose or prescribe the use of a legal brothel as a form of therapeutic modality for anybody for any reason. Please consult your physician to see if sex is safe for you before you go. Also, I do not hold the ranch or anybody working for or aligned with the ranch responsible for any hysterical claim I have set into text in this review) (eyes roll)
Okay, with that having been said, I think that I can conclude by stating that the experience which I had at Sheri’s ranch was unparalleled. Everyone and I mean every single person I spoke to and interacted with was professional, kind, accommodating, and otherwise wonderful to interact with. Drink prices at the bar would be what you would normally expect, the food tasted great and was presented well, the staff and patrons were friendly, happy and approachable, and the legal intended services, Hmm! We’ll get to that later. What more could you ask for?
Sunday morning, once I checked out at the office handing in my key, and made my way out of the establishment, the intensity of my feelings overcame me, and I was compelled to shed tears of joy before I could drive away. I didn’t want to leave. The experience of Sheri’s ranch should not be merely a bucket list item. Not for me anymore. I know that I’ll return there even traveling as far as I have to. My experiences at the ranch have strongly affected me in many good ways inside, and that’s a fact.
Thank you and be well.
October 31, 2016 at 2:24 am #19768Flint
ParticipantInteresting travelogue of your latest trip. You could have told us the lady you partied with without spoiling your review.
October 31, 2016 at 3:21 pm #19771Nightwish
ParticipantWait for it Flint!!
November 1, 2016 at 2:20 am #19774Flint
Participantall right i will.
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