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  • #7620

    I would like to think that personality is the most important thing when it comes to an encounter but that’s just my perspective. For me chemistry is everything. But honestly does a hot body supersede everything else?

    the 3rd degree

    In my view, a hot body can get my attention, but personality & chemistry keeps it. One has to compliment the other for me to say “Yes”, unless my Spidey Sense says otherwise & that’s rare.


    Well perhaps the animal section of the brain detects those parts first, but for a successful party(and/or relationship). personaiity and chemistry is key.

    Charina Lee

    I agree with you all….Beauty and appeal is doubled when the beauty starts from the inside!


    the 3rd degree

    I forgot to mention a crucial ingredient for me when it comes to an encounter…content. The words coming from my “future party” & how it’s said can mean the difference between a nice conversation & a note in my Rolodex for the future or an immediate need to say, “Please take me back to your room & do whatever you want.” Though I had never said the latter, I’ve come close.


    Always trust your spidery sense πŸ™‚


    Content means a civilized conversation, versus take me to your room and %&$& me?


    A hot body makes think of things I’d like to do to (with) you. Personality, attitude and connection makes me want to do them to (with) you.

    Charina Lee

    Don’t make me spank you! Because I WILL! LOL.


    Dear Audrey and Charina,
    I think physical attraction including breasts (nipples and areola) and derrière, and personality along with making a connection or instilling romantic chemistry with a Lady is all very important to making love.
    XO FF


    Firefighter, I’m getting the feeling you’re a breast man πŸ™‚


    Dear Audrey,
    Yes, I’m a breast man for sure!
    If you show me yours, I’ll give you a genuine Fire Department uniform baseball cap, since I know you like caps. πŸ˜‰ πŸ™‚
    XO FF


    In my opinion based off of what I have noticed the majority of customers go back with a lady based on personality and not just looks. Customers have told me ” I’m looking for a blond with tiny natural boobs” and I see them going back with a brunet who has a boob job. There was obviously something about her personality that sparked his interest and got the chemistry going.

    The same theory holds true for line-ups. Most customers would rather talk to the girls in the bar than do a line-up.


    It’s a deal, Firefighter


    Thanks for clueing us in on the reality, RanchMama πŸ™‚


    Ranch Mama is 100% correct in my opinion. One of the things I LOVE about SR is the ability to come in, sit at the booth or bar, and leisurely meet many women in conversation. The brain is the sex organ and when a connection is made, it’s great for both parties! Countless have been the times when I thought based on pics and profiles on the website that I had certain lady(ies) in mind, and that flew out the window when meeting and talking to whomever I am lucky enough to meet when I get there! It’s one of the reasons I don’t make appointments.

    Mr. Incredible

    I also agree 100% with RanchMama


    I feel it’s a total package I have taken other girls walked appointments because the girl had a snooty attitude, didn’t empty her trash, didn’t like a laugh, wet hair, dirty room, seen appt just get out of another party and no connection as well as many other reasons. Most appointments are booked by only seeing a picture so anything can happen.

    On the other hand looks should not be the only deciding factor

    the 3rd degree

    Well Flint, if the content spoken moves me, it can lead from a civilized conversation to take me to your room & &*@$ me. It’s all a matter of context, vibe, if both our Spidey senses don’t go off, etc. Then again, I’m wired differently; I’m more of a sound guy & I’m not that easy to get on the first try. That’s why I keep saying…

    Keep pecking…I’ll give in…eventually…unless they have a club or Tazer…


    I find it hard to determine chemistry in a lineup versus calls or emails to get an idea. I can see men be lured by voive as well as appearance.

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