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  • #20113
    steve black

    Is it possible, to arrange for a girl to have a guy with her so that i can explore in a situation where i can explore a man under her guidance?


    You are looking for a lady who will help the two of you explore yoursexuality?

    steve black

    yes i am looking to arrange something where a guy and lady can be engaged to help me explore my sexuality


    I would go to the search ladies webpage and hit the couples button, plus any other topic that appeals to the both of you. then, for those ladies you like, email or tweet them with the party details and your proposed budget.

    steve black

    sorry, if i was not clear. I am hoping to meet a lady and man as i am not a couple

    steve black

    is that a possibility?

    Iris Sparks

    We don’t have any gentlemen for hire here, your best bet would be to bring one (I know that wasn’t what you were looking for, but alas) and to seek a lady who will work with both of you.


    Interesting question…deserves a creative answer.

    Well, Steve, as Iris mentioned, we do not have gentlemen for hire here at Sheri’s so we can’t provide the companionship ourselves. However, we do have a perfect conduit for someone to reach out to make a fantasy like this a reality.

    My suggestion…provide an email address in this thread that would allow someone with the same type of fantasy idea to contact you personally. Exchange ideas, photos to see if you are compatible, make travel plans to Sheri’s, then email your favorite lady here. You would need to outline the plan and ask her to recommend one of her friends that would be willing to join the three of you in your explorations (two gentlemen would not be allowed to party with one lady due to the safety concerns). Then you make your way here and the ladies direct the excitement while providing tips and guidelines and keeping everything health conscious and erotic!

    And while I can’t say I have had two men interact with each other during a party, I have had the pleasure of bringing two different men (almost strangers) into the same party a time or two with my friends and I…I have to say, the sound of another couple having sex feet away from you is incredibly hot! Now to get to share the bed with them both and have an honest orgy? Can I say…Yes, Please!!

    Yep, I’m naughty!! Maybe it should be you Mike, your new found friend, and Iris and I?

    What do you say Iris…you up for some adventure?

    Iris Sparks

    Montana, you know I would!


    without derailing this, it sounds really hot to have two couples having sex in close proximity to each other.

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