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  • #12726

    Dear Newbie,

    Researching prices over the internet doesn’t work.

    The women at Sheri’s are independent contractors. We all charge different rates. Those rates are not posted anywhere on the internet. Some of us have an al a carte menu. Some of us have an hourly rate. There is no average cost.

    When you sit on my couch, give me the sad face and say, “but I researched prices on the internet…” it makes me sad too.



    • This topic was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Jeremy Lemur.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Mark M.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Mark M.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Mark M.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Mark M.

    There are prices posted on the Internet for sex, but those figures aren’t reliable. Clients may not be totally honest regarding the amount they paid or the sexual activity involved. The sex party type, menu items, amount of time, degree of satisfaction achieved and whether it’s legitimate LPIN or illegal Indie sex is not usually indicated. A low price listed for sex may actually be a 15 minute handjob only. The prices listed are at best averages of those submitted and don’t identify the Courtesan or if she’s a gorgeous accomplished licensed professional either.

    Sheri’s Ranch Ladies are exceptionally beautiful, extremely proficient professional Courtesans and constantly STD tested too. Clients may say a Courtesan offered them a special price, but the truth is that Sheri’s Courtesans make certain that they’re equally fair to all cordial and respectful clients. Sheri’s clients enjoy the security of our licensed brothel and the peace of mind that they will be ultimately satisfied with their sex party.

    Sheri’s Ranch has minimum party prices, but the independent contractor professional Courtesans set and negotiate their own custom party prices to fulfill their clients’ desires.

    Nevada’s LPIN laws are strict so party prices may only be discussed at Sheri’s Ranch Brothel in your chosen Courtesan’s room. Advertised specific cost sex for sale interstate commerce or negotiation of sex across state lines or sexual services priced on the Internet or sex prices negotiated at other than a licensed Nevada brothel are illegal. Sheri’s Ranch must make certain potential clients are not minors too, so they must appear in person at our brothel to discuss prices. In addition, LPIN brothels are only allowed in specific Nevada Counties, and the designated place to negotiate prices is on the licensed brothel premises.

    It would be impossible for Sheri’s to post prices, because it’s a negotiation type brothel. The maximum 24 Courtesans appearing simultaneously may all have slightly different prices, because they custom design their parties for clients’ specific desires. Each Courtesan calculates her own custom menu prices, and they all have their sex provider specialties at which they excel. A Courtesan really must discuss clients’ desires in person, so she may tailor a custom party for them personally.

    Sheri’s Ranch Prices information http://www.sherisranch.com/prices.aspx

    I recommend that clients peruse the Courtesans’ profiles to find Ladies that stimulate their interest and “Send a message” to them. The regularly appearing Sheri’s Ladies are posted on the following lineups:
    Sheri’s Ranch Weekly Lineup http://www.sherisranch.com/lineup.aspx and
    Scheduled Ladies coming soon http://www.sherisranch.com/comingsoon.aspx

    Also, clients may perform “Search Ladies by what she caters to” or “Search Ladies by Date Range” at hyperlink http://www.sherisranch.com/search-ladies.aspx


    So it’s safe to expect the prices to be in the range of 1 dollar to 1 million dollars? 🙂


    I would say yes with 99.7 percent confidence.


    More than 4 sigma


    I can honestly say that our Courtesans’ negotiated party costs are very reasonable or there wouldn’t be so many men and women patronizing Sheri’s Ranch including me. Sheri’s Ranch Courtesans don’t negotiate for more than the market will bear because their goal is to be extremely fair to their client, Sheri’s Ranch and themselves as Independent Contractor Professional Courtesans. Sheri’s Ranch must make a reasonable profit and Courtesans must make a decent living too. Most of our Courtesans are their family breadwinners and have children to support. Gamblers don’t hesitate to spend money in Las Vegas casinos because there’s that one chance in a million that a player will get lucky and become rich; however, most often gamblers leave distraught with empty wallets. There’s no comparison between Sheri’s Ranch Brothel and gambling because our contented clients definitely receive the utmost satisfaction for their well spent money.


    Makes me sad too. Tatyana is a woman of truth.


    So it’s safe to expect the prices to be in the range of 1 dollar to 1 million dollars? 🙂

    LOL, sorry sweets, you are absolutely incorrect.

    No $1 party would be allowed unless your “party” only involves a game of pool. And not a one of us would turn down the chance to party for $1 million and $1 dollars. Just sayin’…


    What was the most expensive Ranch party and how many ladies and gents?


    Not sure Honey…we really aren’t privy to the details of other’s parties.


    I vaguely recall 6 or 10 people but no details.


    I’ve heard the story that the most expensive party at Sheri’s was when someone negotiated a one week long party with a lady.


    February 25, 2015 at 4:47 pm #13263 REPLY

    So it’s safe to expect the prices to be in the range of 1 dollar to 1 million dollars?

    LOL, sorry sweets, you are absolutely incorrect.

    No $1 party would be allowed unless your “party” only involves a game of pool. And not a one of us would turn down the chance to party for $1 million and $1 dollars. Just sayin’…

    :-0 Montana :-0 $1 for a game of pool!!! Never saw you as a pool shark, and their was me thinking you were innocent 😉 lol

    John Doe

    My fear is I’ll email a lady and come a long distance just to see her, then a chance prices way over my budget. So, is it better just to show up and meet more ladies or take a chance on the one you really want to meet?


    John Doe – I understand your concern, but there is just no realistic way to quote you a price ahead of time. (Don’t forget it’s also illegal for them to do so) It also wouldn’t be accurate for me, or anyone else, to tell you what we have spent…every patron, courtesan, party parameters and situation is different. Please don’t assume that the ladies are being evasive…they really just aren’t able to talk prices outside of their rooms.

    I know this sucks for first timers who are just trying to get a ballpark figure for a budget together, so I’ll pass along a little analogy that I once read, courtesy of the lovely Sensual Phoenix:

    Price ranges are roughly equivalent to those of a fine watch…some can be had for $$$ (house minimum), others go all the way up to $,$$$, or $$,$$$ or even $$$,$$$. It all depends on what type of watch (experience) you want to have.

    My advice is to bring as much as you can, pick a lady or two that catches your eye (if you can get a little email twitter dialogue going, that’s even better), and then see if they can work within your budget. In most cases, unless you have unreasonable expectations, something can be arranged.

    Good luck


    Some watches are $$$$$$ to $$$$$$$. I hope never to want a $$$$ party


    That’s the truth, Flint! I saw a watch in Luzurn, Switzerland last year at Bucherer that was $97,000 US. I did not buy it. 🙂

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by kane.

    I have read of watches up to 2 million. probably cannot survive a $$$$ party.


    If I email you telling you what service I want, will you tell me your rate for that particular service?


    No, Tatyana can’t email prices. Sheri’s Ranch and our independent contractor professional Courtesans must strictly abide by Nevada’s LPIN statutes. Prices may only be quoted on the Sheri’s Ranch licensed brothel premises in your Courtesan’s negotiating room. Please refer to my first post on this thread for a more detailed explanation.

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