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  • #14936

    Having been here for over six years it always surprises me how the summer months seem so slow. The everyday foot traffic is reduced significantly. To me, this just makes me think that it would entice some that come here frequently to schedule their trips during this time. You have more time to visit with your lady without her being pulled away. You would have more time to spend outside in the sunshine without worrying that she won’t find the time to join you. You would find more ladies in the bar to just sit around and enjoy idle small talk. These slower times of the year can provide some great memories of Sheri’s Ranch and you definitely have the opportunity to get to know the ladies in a much more realistic fashion.

    My recommendation…make your vacation plans for the summer months next year. It may be warm in the desert but we do have ice cold beverages, beautiful surroundings, amazing women, and air-conditioning!


    I hope to try and make it to the ranch soon. I keep wimping out because I am not sure if I am ready.Good to know things are slower this time or year.


    Newbie, I am over 60, over weight and not much to look at. My first visit had me a nervous wreck until I walked through the doors at Sheri’s. Montana is absolutely right. Now is a great time to visit and I promise you will have the time of your life. Everyone went out of their way to make me feel welcome. The ladies are so supportive of first timers. Make an appointment, get there, and let the hostess know you have an appointment when you arrive. Then just soak it all in. You will be planning your next visit before you leave.


    Northwoods, That was my experience as well. I was surprised at this fact, but I was totally not nervous from the moment I walked in the place.



    Sheri’s is a special place. The ladies and staff have always treated me with the upmost respect and support. It is pure fun whether you party or not.


    Has it been 6 years already, Montana?


    Uh, just to clarify…..what I meant above was that I was surprised that I was not nervous, not that I was surprised that the staff and ladies were super. Looking at it again, it might be interpreted the other way round.


    no problem, Kane.


    Thanks for all the feedback it sure helps to know that others have been in my boat to. Still taking that step is scary and very personal to do. I wanted to visit sooner than later but my schedule has changed in the last few day and now it will be a few months. Sad to say the lady that has been so friendly is not scheduled during that time period. I need to feel comfortable with the lady before getting together. Old fashion I guess.


    Newbie see who is scheduled appeals to you and strike up an email conversation.


    Trying to do just that, thank you for the advice.


    extreme patience is needed as the lady do not necessarily answer regularly when at the Ranch.


    on the fence about a visit in mid August; I may drive at night . I need to adhere to my philosophy about ‘ not postponing joy ‘


    You know if you fall off the fence on the side of not coming to Sheri’s it will always be a regret. If you make the trip you will learn so much about yourself and grow from it. The rewards are worth so much more than the agonizing over the unknown.


    I’m visiting Sheri’s in August. I have a 4 day weekend & if I stay home here in CA, everyone I know will be working those days & I’ll be at home by myself & it will be about 100 degrees anyway . Great summer deals at hotel/casinos too


    When are you planning on going? You can also stay in the motel at Sheri’s if your visit runs late. I have done this. Driving back to Vegas in the morning is much easier than late at night. If your party is $500 or more to room is complementary. Check in after your party to get the complementary room.


    Hi Northwoods. I have a Sheri’s hotel comp & will be using it. Enjoying(?) 2 comp nights at Primm starting Aug 16, then Sheri’s. I prefer the desert dry heat to the often humid conditions in San Diego(which can be jungle-like). I prefer Southpoint when visiting Sheri’s , but I’d rather take that $130 & tip the staff at Sheri’s w/it. it’s booked. can’t wait! don’t postpone joy; visit Sheri’s as often as you can


    Roswell, Sounds like a pretty solid commitment. You won’t regret it. Can you do me a favor? If Lisa is bartending would you give her a hug and tell her Crown and Seven says hello. She is a sweetheart.


    sure thing!


    Wow there’s currently 33 courtesans . Such an incredible throng of femininity. No wonder my nickname for Sheri’s is ‘ the happy place ‘ or ‘the happiest place on earth’

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