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  • #18663

    I too would like to say Hey, Mr. Mav…I’ve missed you around here!

    Secondly, thank you for your input. These “Kelly fares” have been around for a long time within this industry and yes, the lack of forthcoming information is confusing at best to our clients. This lack of information is also what allows for some “hustle” to occur, an example of such has been offered within the context of another thread on this forum. I always mention to guests that “complimentary” is not the same thing as “free” and any savvy businessman or -woman knows this adage is correct in every area of business – brothels are no different.


    Well first I want to say hello to Mr. Maverick. Damn, didn’t know you still hung out here. How are you? CB here. It has been quite a while since we chatted. It sure was fun back when we were regulars on here.

    Hey CB,

    Nice to see you around too. Yeah I’m still around a bit but not as much as in the past at all. Doing OK but my life has changed greatly, mostly for the better, and it has blown me different directions. I only chime in when I have something relevant to offer anymore. During the golden age, to which you were referring, was a great time, then you could find most of the threads and replies measured in hours and minutes instead of hours, days and weeks..Yikes!! It is a different world altogether!

    I agree the rental fees in LV are very good ( I don’t think the cheapest, at least all the time but damn close.).

    The consolidated car rental facility is great. I remember the old days when you had to trip around the airport and find your agency…a lot like Where’s Waldo?

    Being the consolidated facility is just a stones throw from the strip it is positioned well for us and I do love the drive ” over the hump” to Pahrump.

    Hope things are well with you and yours!

    Smoke’em if ya got’em cowboy!!

    My Best,



    Hey ‘tanna,

    Yeah its a different board altogether and a different time. I sometimes yearn for the old days but alas its not to be.

    “Kelly Fares” yeah you know the shot….that’s a term many people wouldn’t get immediately.

    Possessing a comprehensive history of LPIN next time we meet up I can tell you how all this mess started many decades ago and who, in particular is still responsible for it all after all these years.

    This business in some sectors still lives in the tangled web that it was birthed in so many years ago, it is unique in and of itself.

    Hope all is well with you and yours in Big Sky Country.

    Kisses and licks in all the right places,


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