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  • #19521

    I’m planning a 6 day stay at the Las Vegas strip, but when I e-mailed several travel agents letting them know that I plan to stay at Sheri’s for 2 of those days and a hotel (I let them know my hotel choices) on the strip for the other 4 and if they can arrange for it…

    None of them returned my e-mail.

    I don’t know if it’s because I mentioned “Sheri’s Ranch” and it’s the… well… “nature” of brothels that make them reluctant to reply to my e-mails or what.

    Normally, I would go through Travelocity, but I was told by several sources that you sometimes get better deals (sometimes, much better deals) booking with a travel agent since many have connections and with the $$$ I save, I could maybe do other things with it :-).

    Does anybody know whether this is the case, that travel agents tend not to deal with stays at brothels?



    Why do you just book your hotel saty through the office and let a travel agent handle the rest?



    LPIN is a cottage industry exclusive to Nevada and not a part of the mainstream even as Nevada standards go IMO. As much as we as a society extol the virtues of diversity, tolerance and freedom the unfortunate truth is we still live in a puritanical society, sometimes suppressed other times not. As a result the player(s) in this venue are subject to scorn, repudiation and eschew. Chances are Sheris ranch hotels are not on the radar for the very mainstream enterprises you cite and yes you probably scared the starch out of someone with limited capacities. Which is why you did not receive a reply. As far as your arrangements for Vegas these services should provide well.

    My advise is deal with your ranch accommodations directly with the ranch. Whatever the cost I think it will work best. Besides in this venue I don’t think there are abatements to be had.

    Good Luck.

    My Best,


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Maverick.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Maverick.
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