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  • #13236

    I had Read there has never been a case of STD in Sheri ranch.

    What about cases of violence ever happened in the ranch?or any client crossing the line or physically misbehaving with courtesans?



    Yes, it’s true there has never been a documented cast of STD/STI transfer at Sheri’s Ranch or any LPIN brothel for that matter.

    Sheri’s Ranch is an extremely safe and secure venue. Sheri’s Ranch has surveillance cameras throughout the property with the exception of party rooms (don’t worry your intimate relations are never being viewed or recorded.) Party rooms have panic buttons, intercoms, telephones and there are security personnel on duty 24 hours a day. If a loud disturbance occurs or a Courtesan screams or yells for help, brothel staff and security will respond immediately. Sheri’s Ranch is one of the few LPIN brothels that has security officers on duty for the protection of restaurant & bar patrons, party clients, Courtesans and other staff.


    I would think the ladies are protected, they are the most precious and valuable assets at the ranch, for what they do, they should be treated like goddess’s, respected and treated 24/7 365 like the true ladies they are. 🙂


    I agree, anybody who mistreats women is a dirtbag.

    Amber Lynn

    The ranch is absolutely a safe place! Not only do we have 24 hour security, but for the most part us sexy gals are pretty tough chicks!


    I have never been concerned about being assaulted at the Ranch.


    I was assaulted once at the Ranch but that’s because I paid Akira to do it…..ahhh, good times!

    Charina Lee

    I would NEVER work anywhere, no matter of money or fame, that is not safe! I love it here and frankly, the people that come to the ranch are really amazing people. It’s not what many may think.
    I’ve met some of the most interesting people in my whole life here at Sheri’s.

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