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  • #15617

    Do they have other jobs, work at other brothels or just relax?


    I hope some of the ladies will be willing to chime in here. If not, I know some of them have other jobs, some go to school, I’m not sure if any work at other brothels. This is probably a majority of the ladies primary job for now, though they may be working on a future business on the side. Some of them just relax when away from the Ranch and travel the country or the world. You could go in and ask each lady in the bar and get a different answer.


    I spend time with my family! I like to go to the gym, movies, or find a nice park in Vegas and relax! One of the perks of my job I get to work hard and play hard, then go home and do what I want for the rest of the month!


    Allissa, sounds like a great schedule. Do you ever run into clients while you are off and does that become awkward?

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