Destini started the topic Erin, Riley and Destini's Myth buster: in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 10 years, 4 months ago
So I found a diet that says you can loose 10 pounds in three days. I immediately asked a few of my friends to do it with me as the holidays are coming and we love all the yummy food. I got Erin to reluctantly agree right away, Riley took some time to convince but hopped right on board as we made our shopping list.
We each have a different…[Read more]
Destini replied to the topic Home and work pictures in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 10 years, 5 months ago
Sure lets see if this works I have the same look for at home and work I wear most of my dresses both places
Destini replied to the topic Destini and Riley's Open invitation in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 10 years, 5 months ago
You can always come and let us celebrate your birthday with you moochiavelli
Destini replied to the topic Destini and Riley's Open invitation in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 10 years, 5 months ago
All of you will be missed but we know now you will be here in spirit!
I can’t wait GiGi and Eva I hope we can come up with a few good bar activities so everyone can have fun đŸ™‚
Destini replied to the topic Twitter Ladies @SherisBrothel (List updated 7/6/15) in the forum The Social Cafe 11 years, 5 months ago
Thanks Pierced!
Destini’s Courtesan’s Official Page Profile, Photos, Schedule, Statistics, and Reviews: http://www.sherisranch.com/lady.aspx?id=379