Tracy replied to the topic Let's Add to it Fantasy in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 8 years, 5 months ago
Muffled sounds escape from William is eyes open wide..Not in terror but in anger, He who has Never let go of Control is livid. He is also confused on how He could have been so taken by surprise. Aurora looks over at Him shakes her head and decidedly saunters to His form. Checking Her handy work of His restraints for tightness, it wouldn’t due at…[Read more]
Tracy replied to the topic Let's Add to it Fantasy in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 8 years, 9 months ago
Aurora rolled the helpless Evangeline to her side and using a very sharp knife cut Evangeline’s garments from her body. The cool air of the bar had the desired effect and her pale skin soon puckered in the most appropriate places. As her nipples hardened, Aurora placed clamps on them firmly. Silver clamps with a chain connecting them and a small…[Read more]
Tracy replied to the topic Let's Add to it Fantasy in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 9 years ago
Stepping back Aurora surveys the cabinet against the far wall. Oh what a variety of items displayed. All manner of interesting articles both for pain and pleasure. Deciding first is a chore, finally Aurora see the perfect object. Leather straps with silver buckles and a ornate cylindrical cage with small nubs inside, not sharp but enough to be…[Read more]
Tracy replied to the topic Let's Add to it Fantasy in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 9 years ago
Aurora sat with eyes lowered. She so wanted to lift her eyes and look more closely at the Man next to her. In the pit of her stomach she knew now what it must feel like to not be in charge of a situation, a new feeling for her to be sure. The anticipation of what would follow as well as a bit of fear. The strangeness of it made her quiver inside…[Read more]
Tracy replied to the topic Let's Add to it Fantasy in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 9 years, 1 month ago
Aurora accepted her drink and scanned the crowded bar. She sauntered over to the last half circle booth in the corner and sat down gracefully. The booth faced the entire room where she could watch everything going and coming. Her thoughts raced to Evangelines statement. How and when did she get off? How far could she go, she was the one in charge,…[Read more]
Tracy replied to the topic Let's Add to it Fantasy in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 9 years, 1 month ago
Aurora accepted her drink and scanned the crowded bar. She sauntered over to the last half circle booth in the corner and sat down gracefully. The booth faced the entire room where she could watch everything going and coming. Her thoughts raced to Evangelines statement. How and when did she get off? How far could she go, she was the one in charge,…[Read more]
Tracy replied to the topic Let's Add to it Fantasy in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 9 years, 1 month ago
Evangeline looks across the bar. Gazing into Auroras eyes and with out hesitation in a soft but firm voice says the real question my dear is when do and how do you get off? She pours herself a shot of Patron, picks up a shaker adds ice and chills it, , Pours it into an ice cold shot glass and drinks it quickly, The fiery liquid burns going down…[Read more]
Tracy replied to the topic Let's Add to it Fantasy in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 9 years, 1 month ago
…on to the most unlikely of beings in the room. There she stood behind the bar. Through the smoky haze she took in the breath taking beauty. The outfit she wore was completely opposite of her usual taste of attire. Her curves accented by the hunter green leather pants forming tightly to her tight behind. Her long shapely legs well defined by the…[Read more]
Tracy replied to the topic Let's Add to it Fantasy in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 9 years, 2 months ago
Add something, a brief idea, let’s see where it goes
Tracy started the topic Love this Bar in the forum Share an Experience 9 years, 11 months ago
Love this bar is not just a song from Toby Keith. My husband and I so do enjoy the atmosphere here when we visit. The ladies are warm and friendly, the food is wonderful, the hostesses are accommodating with out being pushy, the bartenders are attentive. Love playing the music and watching the antics that occur here sometimes. Lip syncing, Sheri’s…[Read more]
Tracy started the topic Love this Bar in the forum Share an Experience 9 years, 11 months ago
Love this bar is not just a song from Toby Keith. My husband and I so do enjoy the atmosphere here when we visit. The ladies are warm and friendly, the food is wonderful, the hostesses are accommodating with out being pushy, the bartenders are attentive. Love playing the music and watching the antics that occur here sometimes. Lip syncing, Sheri’s…[Read more]
Tracy became a registered member 9 years, 11 months ago