Misty Claire is a featured courtesan at Sheri’s Ranch, a legal brothel and sex resort near Las Vegas.
We all go through it—it’s a rite of passage. Some people dream of and plan for the perfect scenario, while others are incredibly eager and “lose it” at the first opportunity. Whatever you choose, there is nothing wrong with when you decide to lose your virginity—even if you’re an adult over the age of 21. No one really cares when you lose your virginity—it’s only a big deal for the person losing it. Now that we’re older, there isn’t a whole group of immature young adults applying pressure. The only person judging you is yourself. Break free from that cycle, and let’s lose that virginity. And what better place than a licensed brothel?
I’ve been in situations where I didn’t have confidence in my people skills—I was the shy, quiet one. Believe it or not, even in my line of work, I still struggle with social skills to this day. What I’m trying to say is: I understand and empathize with you, and I want to help you break out of your shell. We all deserve to experience intimacy. I want to be the person you share your first time with (and maybe many more times after your first). I also have some tips to help you feel more confident, happy, relieved, and maybe even excited as you plan to lose your virginity with a compassionate courtesan.

Set a Date
Once you’ve decided to lose your virginity, whether it’s for a special occasion or just because, figure out a day. For several reasons, I’ve found that virgins’ consumption of online pornography can desensitize receptors, leading to an underwhelming first experience. Don’t get me wrong—using pornography as inspiration is helpful before exploring hands-on. However, going without visual or solo pleasure for a while will increase the chances of a fulfilling experience. I suggest avoiding pornography and masturbation for 2–3 weeks beforehand to prepare yourself and improve the experience.

Prepare Yourself
Give yourself a little pep talk, but don’t talk yourself out of it. Reflect on what you value, and don’t let nerves dictate your actions. Do some research and figure out what makes you “tick.” What appeals to you about a woman’s body? Are there specific sex positions you’ve heard about and want to try? Do you value a connection with someone who shares your interests?
You don’t need to come in with a detailed PowerPoint presentation about how everything should go. Just be comfortable and able to express your desires. Keep it simple—there’s no need to explore the entire Kama Sutra in one go. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to try new things later. Having a general idea of what you want will help you feel less overwhelmed.

No supplies Needed
With me, you don’t have to worry about supplies—I’ll provide everything needed for a great night. As your companion, I’ll handle the details, like lubricants and condoms, so you can focus on the experience. I’ll share my expertise, guiding you through the process and helping you feel confident.
You’ll leave with basic knowledge, such as how to use prophylactics properly, when to apply lubricants, and where to touch. I’ll also show you beginner positions that transition seamlessly, so you’ll feel prepared for future encounters.

Pacing Ourselves
Pacing is key. We’ll have plenty of time together, so there’s no need to rush. While enthusiasm is sexy, I want our experience to last as long as reasonably possible. I’ll help you learn how to keep your cool, touch meaningfully, and clear your thoughts. Hyper-focusing on every detail or overanalyzing can ruin the moment. I’ll teach you how to stay present and mindful.

The Experience
Most of my virgin clients leave with a sense of relief, as they’ve finally done something that’s been weighing on their minds. Your confidence will grow, and you’ll realize there’s no shame in waiting to lose your virginity.
Imagine the doors that will open after this experience—you’ll feel more comfortable with your sexuality, and the dating pool will expand. There are even health benefits to regular intimacy.
I’m here to help you take this step. Let me be your first. Virgins are my favorite clients because it’s rewarding to know I’m helping someone in such a meaningful way. Ask me questions, try new things, and let me share my secrets with you. Could I trust them to you?