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Steak and Blow Job Day!

What’s your favorite Holiday? If you ask the legal prostitutes working in Nevada’s bordellos, you might be surprised to discover that the answer is neither Halloween nor New Year’s Eve – and it certainly isn’t Valentine’s Day. No, the Holiday of preference for many of these lascivious ladies is a testosterone-fueled ritual gaining in popularity every year, that celebration of masculine gratification lovingly known as Steak and Blow Job Day.

Of course, the media tends to not give this festivity the respect it truly deserves. But despite mainstream dismissal of the event, there are American institutions that seem to be a perfect fit for the anti-Valentine observance: Nevada brothels.

While Valentine’s Day is oriented towards cards, candy, flowers, and other womanly dispensation, Steak and Blow Job Day is all about giving a guy the two things that truly satisfy his deep-seeded desires. Two things that the Las Vegas area’s only full-service sex resort serves up like nobody’s business…steak-bj-day

Why Steak?

Red meat, the flesh of the freshly killed beast. The spoils of a man’s hard day spent tracking and hunting prey like the predatory creature he was born to be. That’s right, long before people raised cattle and other bovine as livestock, man hunted them – and he probably had to kill the monster with his bare hands, in 120 degree heat, wearing nothing but a loin cloth, on a Sunday.

Steak is the ultimate symbol of the triumphant male. Its taste is that of victory.sexy-lips

Why Blow Jobs?

Fellatio is the ultimate gift a woman can bestow upon a man. Nothing says “you matter to me, my sex, and all of mankind” like having a woman’s lips wrap around a guy’s gloriously upright member.  It is an absolute gesture of sexual kindness.

There are moments in life when a man realizes that he has brought value to the world, when he is at peace with himself and the universe, and when he is confident about his future and the future of his species. These moments are called blow jobs.

Why Not?

The West is where real men eat real steak and where hot women give really, really great head.

Deep in the unforgiving Nevada desert there is a place where Steak and Blow Job Day is celebrated shamelessly and with a great deal of exuberance. Where a delicious cut of beef is always on the menu and various oral sex opportunities can be found, well, on the other menu.

The legal courtesans of Sheri’s Ranch look forward to spending this under-appreciated Holiday with the men they adore not just on March 14th, but all year long…because every day is Steak and Blow Job Day in the Wild West.

The Western-Style Hotel at Sheri's Ranch

The Western-Style Hotel at Sheri’s Ranch

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