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Multiple Girl parties are exciting because all of those beautiful naked female bodies are revealed for the client to fondle, caress and embrace. However, anything beyond a 3sum is simply a fun filled lecherous frolic. One-on-one parties can be very erotic and romantic; however, multiple Girl parties are usually more pleasurably lustful than tender amorous sex with one Courtesan.

Keep in mind that every time a male client switches Courtesan partners for sexual intercourse they must change condoms so it’s very tedious and time consuming; a solution to this problem would be for all the Ladies to wear female condoms which is unlikely since some of the Courtesans don’t approve of them. A client may not have sex with multiple Courtesans using the same condom because the Ladies don’t want to exchange their body fluids even though all of them are STD free.

A 5sum plus might be an unprecedented fantasy party because most clients want to experience a new lascivious sexual moment at least once! Also, Courtesans are usually more adventurous with clients in multiple Courtesan parties because they tend to feel more relaxed and secure when other Ladies are in the room. In addition, they might delight you by putting on a breathtaking Lesbian show; if you’re exceptionally nice, you may even be invited to join them!

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