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“This Weeks Lineup” http://www.sherisranch.com/lineup.aspx and “Scheduled Ladies” coming soon http://www.sherisranch.com/comingsoon.aspx account for all the Courtesans appearing at Sheri’s Ranch. You may perform a search for a specific Search Ladies “Date Range” http://www.sherisranch.com/search-ladies.aspx to determine which Ladies will be available during your visit. Please recheck the Search Ladies “Date Range” frequently and especially about two weeks prior to your visit because there are sometimes last minute changes. The Courtesans stay at Sheri’s Ranch 24 hours per day during their scheduled tour of duty so the lineup is the same regardless of the time of day.

The Courtesans usually start their day at 11:00 am and frequent the bar until about 3 am the following morning. The busiest time is usually after 4:00 pm. In addition, Fridays and Saturdays are usually busier than Tuesday through Thursday.

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