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  • #15275
    Amber Lynn

    Boobs! Who doesn’t love them! Just like all of us sexy gals at the ranch, they come in all shapes and sizes!

    I am not debating that boobs are fabulous…I am posing the question…Which do you prefer??? Real or Fake?

    You can throw in who amongst all us fabulous ladies has the best set…if you want!


    I prefer enormous breasts real or fake, as long as they compliment her physique. Gigantic fake ones that are stretched to the max, are a turn off. With the under-the-muscle implants, I can prefer them to real ones. Jenna Jameson’s first augmentation made her look so hot, nobody cared they weren’t real. I really like Kylee Strutts’ implants

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by roswell.

    I love boobs!!! I don’t have a preference real or fake, big or small, as long as they look good and feel good, it doesn’t matter if it’s a mouthful or a handful. Sometimes implants can be hard, nobody wants to grab a couple softballs. I will say the stripper I have spent the most money on ever, had smaller boobs, but they fit her body type and they looked perfect. So, what I’m saying is, I love beautiful boobs!!!


    Sure almost all size boobs. I prefer softer implant than harder. As said before it depends somewhat of the lady.


    I think the best set of natural boobies belong to Ellie! 😛

    Ellie’s profile, photos, preferences, statistics, parties catered, schedule and reviews http://www.sherisranch.com/lady.aspx?id=558

    hoochie coochie man

    I don’t mind fake boobs as long as they are not too big. I hate the ones that are so big, they look like a balloon pinned on to the girl’s chest, about to pop. I much prefer small but real over too big and fake. Medium size boobs are the best for me.

    I would say the best boobs at Sheri’s are Ellie, Julia, and Lacy Love.


    Current Sheri’s Courtesans’ MAGNIFICENT BooBies that I’ve seen, touched and maybe even kissed (but I won’t tell) in private belong to…

    😛 Amber Lynn http://www.sherisranch.com/lady.aspx?id=466
    😛 Destini http://www.sherisranch.com/lady.aspx?id=379
    😛 Ellie http://www.sherisranch.com/lady.aspx?id=558
    😛 Erin O’Hara http://www.sherisranch.com/lady.aspx?id=608
    😛 Fabienne http://www.sherisranch.com/lady.aspx?id=46
    😛 Hailey Leigh http://www.sherisranch.com/lady.aspx?id=637
    😛 Karli Brooks http://www.sherisranch.com/lady.aspx?id=108
    😛 Olivia http://www.sherisranch.com/lady.aspx?id=436
    😛 Riley http://www.sherisranch.com/lady.aspx?id=275


    Firefighter on your list Erin, Ellie, Destin would be my choices for manipulation of their booties.


    Well Amber, I love every part of a woman. But, as for boobies, the real or fake question depends on how they look on the woman in question. I like boobs to be proportional, so small or medium or large doesn’t matter. I have seen ladies that have gotten augmentation that made them look better and have seen it make them look worse. It is not how big they are, but how sexy the whole package is, and it isn’t a one size fits all.

    As for which lady at the ranch has the best set? Well, my vote gets cast unreservedly and without hesitation for Amber Lynn. But there are lots of attractive boobies at the Ranch.


    Well, I don’t think anyone can or should object to a lovely set of boobs. I know I don’t!

    Personally, I don’t mind if they are real or fake. I just prefer them when they fit her body well. I’ve never met a pair of boobs I didn’t like but when the size fits the rest of her, it’s sexiest.

    And, I think there are way too many sexy pairs to find a favorite amongst them, but I’ll admit that these have caught my eye more than once (in random order): Karli Brooks, Sasha, Ashlynn, Alana, Michelle, Olivia, Sabella, Juna, Paloma, Kaila, Kim, Trina, Allissa, Riley, Tessa, Julia, Amber and Ellie. (Seriously, can you tell I LOVE boobs!)


    I love boobs… either real or enhanced can be just fine but I like the size to fit the lady’s look and prefer soft or medium to hard. Some of my favorites that I have had the chance to play with (and one I had to as of yet) at Sheri’s ranch include:

    Hailey Leigh
    Karli Brooks

    So which of the above do you think I am still working toward?

    hoochie coochie man

    This sounds like an SAT question, where you have to detect the pattern, or figure out which item does not belong with the others on the list. So I don’t know, but I am going to guess Riley.


    Well hoochie coochie man… looks like you passed this “SAT” question! 🙂 Congratulations!


    I previously much preferred a natural pair, but now that plastic surgery is 1) so advanced compared to its early days and 2) so commonplace, I really don’t have a preference. As long as “the girls” are proportional to the woman concerned and move with that oh-so-hypnotic motion, they’re good by me! Those belonging to Erin, Sasha, Fabienne and Char come to mind as great examples.


    Real or fake is fine with me. To me it is more important that they stick out farther than the belly. A fit girl with a flat or tone abs doesn’t need very big boobs to be sexy. Also, a girl with really big boobs can look sexy even if she has a bit of a belly. It doesn’t matter how big the boobs are if the belly sticks out farther than the boobs. Also, skin complexion is very important. Smooth complexion with small or no tats is really nice to look at.


    real or fake works for me if they look and feel natural. Extra large of fine bit there are limits even for me.


    in honor of this thread all of the ladies who have not done so, should have a picture of their naked breasts added to their webpage.


    Poppy Love’s appear larger now. Look great before & after


    I will now have to check. Do you suspect surgery?


    Yes. Her pics are always good & the latest don’t disappoint. I don’t have a preference for natural or enhanced , as long as they suit the gal

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