hoochie coochie man replied to the topic Nuru question in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 2 years, 9 months ago
I was at Sheri’s last year. I did not make an appointment in advance. Once there I asked for Skye. In my negotiations with her, I said I might like to try Nuru. Well, the Nuru room was already in use. But she said she can do that with me in the Playland. So we did. Nuru is incredible! I’m glad I tried it.
So, I would say if you want…[Read more]
hoochie coochie man replied to the topic Question on etiquette between brothels in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 3 years ago
Well I don’t know if they have any rule about that. But once you check into the hotel at Sheri’s, you are free to come and go as you please. Just walk out the front door, come back in through the sports bar door. Whether you go into town for a meal, go shopping, or go just down the road, I don’t know that it would make any difference. Btw,…[Read more]
hoochie coochie man replied to the topic First reopening party in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 3 years, 5 months ago
I just posted a review of my trip to Sheri’s last week, in the Share An Experience Forum.
hoochie coochie man started the topic I am Falling — For Sky! in the forum Share an Experience 3 years, 5 months ago
My last trip to Sheri’s was two years ago. I don’t get too many chances to get out that way anymore, but last week I had occasion to be in Las Vegas, so of course I had to visit Sheri’s.
Prior to my trip I looked at the ladies schedule on the web site, and on the date of my visit two ladies stood out, Sky and Lovecraft. I was tempted to…[Read more] -
hoochie coochie man replied to the topic First reopening party in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 3 years, 5 months ago
Well I had a trip planned in June, which I had to cancel when things came up at home. Now I have a trip to Sheri’s planned for tomorrow (Aug 24), and unless something blows up in the next 24 hours, looks like I’m on my way! Will file a report when I get home later in the week.
hoochie coochie man replied to the topic Erin gone? in the forum Ladies News and Schedules 3 years, 7 months ago
Erin’s profile has been down long enough that I suspect she is gone for good. Hope I’m wrong, but I think so.
I had the pleasure to party with her a few years ago. I went to Sheri’s without an appointment. Went into the bar and ordered dinner. The ladies are not allowed to approach you while eating, so during my meal I looked around the…[Read more] -
hoochie coochie man replied to the topic First reopening party in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 3 years, 7 months ago
Both are beautiful and have excellent reviews, so I would be more than happy with either one. But, I would choose Clarissa, just because I saw her once at Sheri’s. I had an appointment with another lady, but we passed by Clarissa and her guy in the hallway, and I saw how very beautiful she is in person. She is high on my list now.
hoochie coochie man replied to the topic Wondering about the restaurant in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 3 years, 8 months ago
I had a trip to Sheri’s planned a couple of weeks ago, but had to cancel. Anyway, before I cancelled I called out there and reserved a room in Sheri’s hotel. I asked about the restaurant. I was told that while the restaurant is not open to the public, it is in operation for the ladies and the staff. She said if you are staying in the hotel…[Read more]
hoochie coochie man replied to the topic First reopening party in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 3 years, 8 months ago
No report to give. Some things came up at home and I had to cancel my trip. Hopefully I can get out there sometime soon.
hoochie coochie man replied to the topic First reopening party in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 3 years, 9 months ago
Today I booked my travel plans for a visit to Sheri’s next month. Really excited for my first reopening party!
hoochie coochie man replied to the topic First reopening party in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 3 years, 11 months ago
Topping my list would be CiCi and Paloma. But if Roxanne comes back, add her to the list also. But then there’s Clarissa, Sky, Max Dream, Molly, Syn, Ellie, Kira, Lyric…
hoochie coochie man replied to the topic Ranch reopening in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 3 years, 11 months ago
hoochie coochie man replied to the topic Valentine Party in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 3 years, 12 months ago
Not sure if I would have been able to make it there for Valentine’s Day, but if they do re-open I will go to Sheri’s as soon as I can.
hoochie coochie man replied to the topic Thanksgiving party in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 4 years, 2 months ago
I would be very thankful for Paloma. Or Cici.
hoochie coochie man replied to the topic Ladies recenty gone in the forum Ladies News and Schedules 4 years, 5 months ago
Paloma, Cici, Roxanne, Cee Mia…
hoochie coochie man replied to the topic Eventual go back or quit in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 4 years, 6 months ago
Whenever Sheri’s re-opens, be it sooner or later, yes I will go to Sheri’s again, when I have a chance to travel out that way.
hoochie coochie man started the topic Top 3 Parties — Missed in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 4 years, 7 months ago
Well let’s start a new thread here. Last week I started one asking everyone to list their Top 3 Parties at Sheri’s. Only Flint and I listed our Top 3, still hoping more guys will respond. But today, let’s do the Top 3 Parties Missed. In other words, your Top 3 Sheri’s ladies that you always wanted to party with, but never got the chance.…[Read more]
hoochie coochie man replied to the topic Ranch opening date in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 4 years, 7 months ago
Who knows? And your question presumes that it does re-open this year. I would have thought the worst would have been over by now, and most businesses, including Sheri’s, would be open again by now. But looks like it it going to be a while still. And whenever Sheri’s is able to re-open, I think it will take a while to build back up to…[Read more]
hoochie coochie man replied to the topic Top 3 Parties in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 4 years, 7 months ago
Flint, as I recall, her name was Brittney Rider. Why do you call her Brittney Rude? And if she was rude, why is she on your Top 3 List? Also, I can’t recall what she looked like, can you give us a description of her please?
Can anyone else give us their Top 3 parties at Sheri’s?
hoochie coochie man started the topic Top 3 Parties in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 4 years, 7 months ago
Well if we can’t talk about any current happenings at Sheri’s, how about we list our Top 3 Parties over the years. Mine are listed below, some of them go back a few years, but that’s OK, that’s within the rules. I will be interested to see everyone’s list.
1. Char
2. Erin
3. ChloeHonorable Mention: Bunny and…[Read more]
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