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  • #17548

    I just read Monique by Fox and yes it was a great book but now I’m wondering how dangerous prostitution is?

    I was thinking of doing it when I put myself through college for the money and I’m wondering if it is safer working from within a brothel? How safe? What are some thoughts?

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Alicia.
    • This topic was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Alicia.

    Welcome Alicia. Sounds like you are a very smart lady to use the industry to help get you smarter! Many ladies have done the same and been successful. As long as you enjoy doing “it” it can be a very lucrative profession. Super safe in a brothel! I have worked on both sides, and I can 100% confirm working in a legal brothel is sooooo much safer and fun! You get to create and fulfill fantasies and don’t have to worry about getting arrested. We get our doctors check to make sure we stay std free and we look at our potential clients package to assure there is no sign of possible problems, we don’t just jump on top of anyone here! 24 hour security is very assuring and I’ve never felt more safe to work than walking through the doors of Sheri’s ranch. When you’re ready to start the best job ever you can submit your pictures online and hopefully we see you at the ranch one day! 😉


    i really never thought that much about personal safety at the Ranch.


    Hey ALlissa, thank you so much! That kinda makes me feel better. It does look like a great place to work and if I can work the distance out, I will think about it.

    hoochie coochie man

    Last month I was in a topless bar in Houston, and my dancer admitted to me she was “doing some work” outside the club. I suggested she should work at Sheri’s instead. I told her what I knew about it, how it worked for the ladies, she looked at the web site, said it looked interesting, but she was not too interested in sharing her money with the house. Ladies, how would you answer that?


    The same way I answer gentlemen who come here expecting to pay the same rate they pay on the outside. “Legal costs.” And it costs for a reason. The benefits (to me) out way the price I pay. And it isn’t just splitting money with the house, there’s also the house rent, the STD testing, the additional taxes we pay in the form of Sherriff’s cards. Legal costs, but what is more important the “cost” or the “value?”

    The value that I get by coming to Sheri’s is tremendous. Just like the gentlemen who come to Sheri’s, I never have to worry about ending up on the 6 o’clock news in a prostitution sting, I don’t have to worry about getting robbed or assaulted. My physical safety is secured here.

    The value of never having a criminal record is also enormous. I don’t have to worry about my future for having a felony on my record.

    I also have the entire power of Sheri’s marketing team behind me. I have professional photos taken. I have a ready made client list of people who know they are going to come to Sheri’s. While I still do my best to market myself on social media I know I will have clients.

    I don’t ever have to worry about being “pressured” to do things like not wear a condom. If a gentleman chooses to party with me and tries to make things difficult I have a wealth of options including kicking him out without repercussions. (I have never had to throw anyone out, as every single person who has come to see me to date has been a dream!)

    It was never a question for me about weather I would do this independently rather than share my earnings with the house. As far as I’m concerned it isn’t sharing my money, its giving the house the money they earned.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by RanchMama.

    That is an extensive answer, Alex.

    Angel Parr

    I think my answer may be a bit different than the popular belief system but I’ll add my two cents anyways, cause I dont mind being different lol! I have worked on both sides as well as Allissa so I can speak on both aspects of things.
    Working on the street is as safe or as dangerous as your knowledge will allow it to be. If you dont know what you’re doing, or dont have a friends who does, do not get close to this industry on the street level, you will be in for a very long and hard road. If you dont know how to drive a Semi truck you’re not just going to jump behind the wheel and hit the highway, if you do, you’re probably going to die…and quickly. However, with the proper training you can run coast to coast and be just fine. This industry is the same as any job with risk, if you’re smart and know the rules you’ll be just fine, if you’re just in it because it sounds like a great way to get some quick cash and you’re impressed by the glitz and glam, well you’re probably not going to get to far. The problem with the illegal side of things is all of the underage girls, and those being forced into it, that the only reason that its illegal, or even a concern. Certain people take a good thing and make it bad, then it has this stigmata hanging over it for ever, its a shame but its life. Working in a brothel has its ups and downs, as does everything in life, its up to you as an individual to decide which is the best and safest option for you.

    In a brothel the ups are,
    You have security on site at all times, and tend to get higher quality clients, which means less problems
    You dont have to worry about going to jail
    You dont have to worry about getting robbed
    You can avoid “Pimping” (kinda)
    You get a paycheck, so you are making honest money
    The downs are,
    You have to wait for security to get to your room instead of using your own weapon in case of need. Its usually takes them around 15-30 second to get to you, and a lot can happen in that time under the right circumstances. (these are still rare)
    You have to watch your room and your belonging closely because of how many people come in and out of here
    You will have one of the most serious pimps I’ve ever known, lol the staff don’t play, and the house will always make more than you.
    You get a paycheck so you have to file taxes and account for all of your money. (oh a good point with that is, EVERYTHING is a tax right off, like really EVERYTHING!)

    I do not promote working either illegally or legally, if at all possible I will always tell a young lady considering this industry to try other options. This should always be a last resort and a stepping stone, but if you decide to use this stepping stone then it is up to you to make your path. Don’t let anyone influence your decision one way or another, its your life, and your body, and as soon as you get close to this industry you will find that most people are trying to see what they can get out of you and how they can manipulate you. Nothing is for everyone, you have to look at your lifestyle and see what you can do with it, what fits best into your schedule and makes you the most comfortable. I wish you the best of luck in your ventures, and how you have a safe and blessed path, just know whichever you decide, its going to be a bumpy road and you’re gonna see a few mud puddles, so put your big girl boots on get ready for one of the most interesting, exciting, and lucrative times in your life! This is one hell of a ride, and most dont make it through, dont be a statistic!


    Angel no one will accuse you of being reticent.

    Angel Parr

    lol I never really learned that whole sugar coat your sentence thing…..



    A very well versed and full throated analysis.

    Well Done.

    My Best,



    I agree with Flint you have a wonderfully blunt way of speaking Lady Angel and such a well-worded and informative post.

    Maverick, it’s good to see you again sir. Thank you again for lending your assistance on my newbie thread years ago.

    As for myself in planning my first visit to the brothel one of the deciding factors is the safety, security and comfort of the ladies within. And if I may be selfish a bit for myself as well.

    I thought of a sexcation to Amsterdam or Bangkok and decided against it since those places can be very morally black areas and I would be adding to the problem of sex trafficking.

    I never considered escorts or street walkers since not only is the morality just as questionable my safety and security is at risk and I could end up jailed (this would probably be the best outcome of all of them) or I could end up with a disease or losing my life or my money.

    Deciding on the ranch I came to the conclusion that it’s as morally white as it can possibly be. The risk of a disease is either very low or non-existent. The fact that it’s legal means that there’s no risk of being arrested. So it really is the best choice.

    Wishing all the ladies and clients the best.

    Angel Parr

    Thank you guys, I try!


    Maverick, it’s good to see you again sir. Thank you again for lending your assistance on my newbie thread years ago.


    Good to see you as well my friend, I hope things are well with you and yours. “Years ago”….yeah those years are piling up too!!! How they breeze by! I am always gratified to hear of how my altruistic efforts furthered the experiences of others….thank you for the kind recitation.

    And more to the point I’m glad to see you here “paying it forward” so to speak. I always provided the best counsel possible without contingency. However my greatest hopes were that those in receipt of this gift would in turn do the same for others. In that one saw the value of what they received from me inspired them to do the same is one of the best silent compliments one can receive.

    Its good to see you and a few others here whom I guided and advised in those aforementioned years.

    Now being largely absent it appears those efforts were wisely placed and hopes well founded.

    Thanks for helping those who have come after us.

    Well played 007 well played.

    My Best,



    Always good to see you back here, Maverick.


    Thanks Flint. Always good to see “Our Man” out serving the greater good.

    Keep up the good work!!

    My Best,



    Thanks a lot, Mav!


    We are harmless. It’s just like any other job we pay our taxes 🙂



    Thank you again my friend. I was all set to cancel my visit due to medical reasons until I read your post now barring those reasons I’m going to continue on as planned. Years do pile up and as it is I’ve waited too long and I don’t want to wait any longer and watch those ‘years’ turn into ‘decades.’

    You also mentioned ‘paying it forward’ and that’s another reason I want to continue. So that I may ‘pay it forward’ to other potential visitors. Life is too short, youth is fleeting and it’s better to take a glorious risk than regret never having done so.

    If my doctor gives me a clean bill of sexual health I will be at the bar on June 21st around noon, if you’re there (or any other time I happen to be visiting). I would like to buy you a beer and drink to your honor, sir.

    I in turn hope all is well with you and yours my friend.


    “In the end we only regret the chances we didn’t take, the relationships we were afraid to have,and the decisions we waited too long to make.”

    ― Lewis Carroll


    To paraphrase your sentiment and I agree wholly its the chances and risks we don’t take in life that are typically the most regrettable.

    I’d love to catch up with you sometime but I won’t be around in June and I am not a local (over the years many have assumed I was for some reason.) As I may have mentioned in the past I have embarked on new horizons and formidable challenges. I am in the final throes of surmounting a very large achievement which is going to keep me away a little longer than anticipated.

    Always remember 007 there is no time like the present and live everyday like its your last for nobody really knows if it truly might be.

    Keep moving forward, your chin up and some sunshine on your face.

    Perhaps in time our paths will cross.

    My Best,


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