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  • This topic has 16 replies, 14 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 3 months ago by Leto. This post has been viewed 6471 times
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  • #9818

    I was thinking of going to Sheri’s in a few days, and I was wondering something. Does a party need to include actual intercourse to be worth the money/drive? If I was interested in just having a non-intercourse (even non oral), intimate time with a lady, would a trip to the brothel be worth the time and money? Would the ladies look down on, or be reluctant to offer, such a party?


    I never thought about having a party without sex. Any of the ladies who do GFE might be able to give you a better answer, but i think it can be arranged. Is it worthwhile economically is a question only you can answer.


    Hi Greg,
    There is nothing that says a party has to involve sex and you can definitely have an amazing party without it. I would never look down on a party that didn’t involve and in fact some of my favorite parties have not included intercourse. For me personally, I really enjoy a sort of mental and emotional connection over a physical one sometimes. It is great to be able to talk to someone and really get to know them and connect on a level that is not purely physical. It is completely up to you what sort of party you would like to partake in, but to answer your question it would definitely be well worth it and you will have an amazing time 🙂

    Angel Parr

    Hello Greg,
    I have personally always felt that a brothel is about far more then just intercourse, its about a special type of connection that you really cant find elsewhere. I always make it a point to spend time getting to know my client and making him feel comfortable, I tend to feel that if I cant make you forget you are at a brothel for a moment I didn’t do my job properly. It is because of this I can assure you that sex is far from a requirement, as a matter a fact I personally only have sex in about 20-30% of my parties. Of course if the gentleman is just interested in a wham bam thank you ma’am deal, then I will accommodate, but I find it a much better experience for us both to relax unwind cuddle a bit, get to know each other, and let our party be natural, if sex comes up it does, if it doesn’t well then we still both enjoyed our time together and that simply gives us something to look forward to.
    I prefer our bungalows for this reason, we can start in a hot tub with a nice drink to relax as we talk and I hand feed you fresh fruit, we can sit in front of the fire place over dinner, Ill give you a massage as we dive into each others dreams, life stories, and politics. We can take a stroll in our beautiful courtyard, perhaps play a few fun games, and just let the evening unravel itself. I find it best to go into a party with no expectations, and allow us to just be two humans connecting in every way possible, sex is just a perk, if it comes at all during our time!


    Welcome to the forum Greg. Hope you have a good visit.

    Red Diamonds

    Hi Greg, 75% of my parties don’t include sex or oral sex. This doesn’t bother me at all because sometimes it’s needed to just have a good companion!!! There are so many activities we can do to entertain ourselves and still feel intimate. These sessions still satisfy you emotionally and physically and are still worth the money you spend. Hope this is helpful info. 🙂

    hoochie coochie man

    WHAT?? 75% of the parties by Angel and Red are without sex? Really? Wow, I find that surprising. I might have thought a few parties go without it, maybe 10-20%, but 75% of the men who come to Sheri’s do not have sex with the lady of their choice? Are you kidding me?

    I would be interested in other Sheri’s ladies chiming in here, with what percent of their parties are without sex. Get a consensus. Ladies??

    Well I plan to be there in October, probably on the 8th, and let me say, I am not coming all that way and spending all that money just to have a nice conversation! I plan to party!


    I find it really surprising also. But then, not so much. In the parties I’ve had so far, I’ve enjoyed both the sex and simply being with a woman I find attractive, interesting and genuine.

    It’s comforting as a man to be able to interact with a beautiful lady in such a way that she trusts you, and that you can both have a conversation which is mutually intriguing. I think a lot of guys simply need that. After working so hard out in the big, competitive world, they just need an all around good person who can care. It’s also nice to know that you can please a woman in other ways than sex, such as gifts, laughter, massage, encouragement, etc.


    That percentage just seems really high to me. I understand wanting more of a GFE component but it still seems strange.

    Angel Parr

    Most of the gentlemen who come here are here because they are missing something in their lives, rather it be compassion, understanding, or just being lonely, even in their relationships, and some come here just for sex. Typically speaking though even the men who think they are just here for sex are really here for another reason, they are just too stubborn to admit it, even to themselves. There are many ways to be intimate, and many ways to fill the void man can obtain. Sometimes you just work way too much and need to be with a women who can help you relax, even though you come in thinking, “man I am stressed out and need to get laid” it is often times something far more meaningful that you are in search for. I have found most of the men who come here just for sex tend to leave feeling unfulfilled, and will be back much quicker then the men who allow us to do our job and figure out what you are really looking for, and leave stress free with a brand new outlook, even though they never touched us sexually. Intimacy is far more then penetration, Doctor Phil elaborates on the word intimacy as “into me I see” it is a feeling that starts from deep inside of you, intimacy is letting down all of your walls and allowing the person you are with to see the very best and the very worst of you. Most people are too concerned with their partner judging and leaving them to feel comfortable with ever letting their lover see the ugliest parts of them. Married couples die every day never truly understanding the person they spent their lives with, and never knowing the types of raw uncut truths that we will get from a man, because we wont judge. Being with a true courtesan is far more than sex, its the rare chance you get to open up completely, let your demons run free and allow us to help the good drown out the worst parts of your life, we are about purity, trusting a stranger because we have no reason for you to lie to each other, and no one that we are going to tell your secret’s too. We are a connection found no where else on earth that a lot of men and women will die without ever experiencing. Sex is a perk, the true art of our jobs is all in the mind and the soul.


    If I was able to make couple visits to Sheri’s over short period of time or stay for say 5 consecutive days, I’d entertain idea of an initial party without sex.

    I’d be open to this idea because I’ve always found extended foreplay or a little teasing before the act of something extremely intimate to be a huge turn on.

    Fact that I love cuddling and kissing as well as hand holding also would play part in my party planning.


    I would not mind partying without sex.

    If I am with 1 or more beautiful women giving me attention and permission to massage, dance, etc. them, then I am satisfied.

    Sex is what someone mentally wants. But, there are other things you can do with partner(s) besides sex:

    1. intimacy
    2. romance
    3. talking
    4. touching

    Charina Lee

    I have had parties where the party was much more about companionship and conversation because there is less pressure and more of a comfort level when two people establish a mental connection.

    But then they saw my protruding nipples and ooops….the initial plan changed! LOL.

    Seriously, it’s all about you and only you can decide whether it is “worth it”. But I don’t know of any courtesan that would look at you any differently.

    Charina Lee


    I like the way you think rewith85man. The companionship can be the biggest reward of your time at Sheri’s. I hope you enjoyed your time Greg!


    Allissa, I remember a certain Jacuzzi experience that would not have needed to include sex afterward. I was a bit saddened when I noticed the Tropical Jacuzzi being renovated on my last trip.


    I’ve been away from the forum for a while, just catching up and reading this thread I too was totally shocked that only 20-30% of parties are sexual. Now I’m not a total pig, the thought of cuddling up with a beautiful woman and talking about life had crossed my mind on previous trips (and to an extent I did this in the bar prior to partying), but it was always a short trip of 2-3 days and I didn’t feel there was time for it. I’m in the process of moving out to Vegas within the next few months and hope to make more frequent trips to the ranch and I’ll entertain one of these types of parties then.


    “Hello Greg,
    I have personally always felt that a brothel is about far more then just intercourse, its about a special type of connection that you really cant find elsewhere. I always make it a point to spend time getting to know my client and making him feel comfortable, I tend to feel that if I cant make you forget you are at a brothel for a moment I didn’t do my job properly. It is because of this I can assure you that sex is far from a requirement, as a matter a fact I personally only have sex in about 20-30% of my parties. Of course if the gentleman is just interested in a wham bam thank you ma’am deal, then I will accommodate, but I find it a much better experience for us both to relax ……”

    This has got to be one of the most thoughtful, insightful passages I have ever read on ANY forum, regarding human interactions. Well done, Angel.

    And even though our party included sex (sorry!!), next time Angel I will look to engage in a deeper level of conversational intimacy!

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Leto.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Leto.
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