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  • #3214

    Recently, Amy’s profile page was removed from the Sheri’s Ranch website. Amy had worked at the Ranch for over seven years. There was no announcement of her retirement or acknowledgement of her contribution as one of the longest serving courtesans at the Ranch. Amy probably wanted it that way. She was quiet and modest. My vision of Amy is probably enhanced because I enjoyed the time I shared with her so much. I will instead use the words of another gentleman to describe her. The gentleman was trying to decide which one of three ladies, he met in the Bar, to ask for a party. Even though he did not choose Amy, he described her as “a slender blonde, with a caring look and the promise of experience.” Amy specialized in caring for mature males with physical or emotional dysfunctions or disabilities. She also enjoyed working with couples and was eager to play different roles. Best of all, was her “girlfriend experience” fantasy session. Although her tenderness and sensuality were inspiring, more importantly she wanted you to have fun. My goodness, we had fun!

    The last time I was with Amy she told me there was a limit to how long she could be a courtesan. “You can’t do this forever,” she said. I think she preferred to go gently into the night without any fanfare. I know I should be happy for her. Hopefully, she has moved on to something better. But, I will miss her.

    Best Wishes and Sweetest Regards,


    Indeed Amy has moved on. She is happy and well. She will be missed by many. Things aren’t quite the same without her but I know that she is doing what she has dreamed about. So always, all the best to a special lady.


    Thank you, Ranchmama Dena, for letting us know Amy is happy and well. She fulfilled the dreams of so many clients, it gives me pleasure to know she is pursuing and achieving her own dream. “Hugs and Kisses” to Amy.

    “Life is a dream and the dreams are dreams.” –Pedro Calderon de la Barca


    I think of you Amy every time I make popcorn 🙂 Hope you are doing well and good luck!


    Rarely do I wax retroactive in threads of this nature but I just couldn’t stop myself. Amy was a very special lady to me and many others, I will miss her greatly. One of Amy’s most outstanding attributes was her authentic, real and genuine nature leaving pretense behind. Amy was/is just Amy; kind, sweet, non-judgmental and a smile like a beacon of light. I took great pleasure in getting to know Amy on a more personal level. In short order I came to find her great appreciation for fresh fruits ( She loves Kiwi.). I took much joy when going into Pahrump most everyday trying to find a selection of offerings that would make her smile and glow. Unfortunately in my last couple of visits I missed Amy and I do mean missed. I just missed her presence and going into Pahrump everyday was just not the same, looking for the brightest strawberries, the firmest kiwis, or the most desirable melons ( No joke here guys…..this is for real.). The trips to the ranch were/are always great but Amy’s absence did leave a void. In light of her retirement now this void is everlasting.

    Trust me I’m not angling /hoping for her return. If Amy has found her Shangri-La I bid her a fond adieu and hope she finds all she seeks, is rewarded handsomely, and lives in peace, harmony and love ad infinitum. Yet her unique energy will be missed by those of us who love her.

    For the jaded who may read this post and think this is just a guy who is grieving the loss of one of his ” favorites”. Well your right….and wrong. Amy is/was a favorite of mine……yet Amy and I were never physically intimate although we were close a couple of times. So the definition of “favorite” is not what some of the uninitiated or cynical might think. Amy was/is a favorite just because she was Amy. It may be hard for some to wrap their heads around but not everything is about sex….even in a brothel.

    Amy, If per chance you read this post please know I love you, wish you all of life’s gifts, happiness, good health, that all of your prayers are answered and wishes fulfilled. You will be remembered with much love, fondness and affection.

    Strawberry kisses to you my lovely.

    Live Strong, Laugh often , Love much.

    Loving You,

    Bret Maverick

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