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  • This topic has 4 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Flint. This post has been viewed 4566 times
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  • #20254

    I’m an older man and am planning to (finally) lose my virginity at Sheri’s in the Spring. The problem is that, after looking at the sex menu and what certain ladies cater to, I’m not entirely sure what I want.

    I had been thinking I’d go for the GFE but am not entirely sure what that entails. Could someone give me a VERY general idea of what goes on in the average GFE? I mean, is it mostly cuddling with a little sex or a little cuddling and mostly sex? Or am I totally misunderstanding it?

    If I wanted to try a little light bondage or maybe something not-so-light…would what work with/beyond the GFE?

    Is it true that most of the ladies won’t let you go down on them? It’s not a deal breaker but I’ve always wanted to try cunnilingus.


    Everyone’s version of GFE may be different. Most ladies advertise it. It’s best to talk to the lady and express what you would like in your party. Don’t overthink it, have a conversation and go from there.


    yes GFE involves girl friend like experiences, but varies per lady. Some lady will let you go down on them but you will be using a latex dam.
    Email or Tweet the ladies you are interested in. Tell them you are a older virgin, the activities you want to experionce and your budget.


    I concur with the two above, but to expand on Flint’s point, I’d recommend using direct message on twitter to communicate. It doesn’t go to Sheri’s computer system, ad since the ladies can only access those emails when at the ranch and the computer is available to them, you are more likely to get a quicker response through twitter. Would also say you should make contact sooner rather than later to the lady or ladies that peak your interest. The earlier you make contact, discuss things, get to know them and get comfortable with your plans, the better. Will make the actual visit less nervy.


    Good expansions by kane.I can be terse.

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