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  • #15866

    This is mostly for men, but the ladies could chime in. Do you prefer ladies(or men) to be much smaller or much taller than you are and why? what bearing does it have on your intimate activities, especially intercourse?

    the 3rd degree

    I don’t think it’s a preference to me how tall or short the lady is at Sheri’s. I had both during my days in the lion’s den, and some that were of my height as well. But it still came down to personality & if & when we clicked. Maybe in the real world it would matter more, but at Sheri’s, not as much for me.


    Thanks 3d. Anyone else?

    hoochie coochie man

    It’s not the most important criterion for be by any means, but I guess all things being equal, a short woman turns me on much more than a tall woman.


    When a man and woman are lying down together in bed, height is irrelevant!


    I am more excited by a short women versus taller one.


    Everyone is taller than me. We are all the same size lying down!


    I suppose I could of phrased the question into esthetic/erotic versus practical.


    Height has no bearing for me, beautiful women come in all sizes.


    Allissa i have not considered you as short.


    As a guy who is 6’4″ I had to chime in. Most women are shorter than me but when it comes to being intimate but no sex I prefer someone who is taller but alissa so eloquently said we are all the same height laying down.


    I’m 5’9″ and I tend to like men that are taller than me. Aesthetically, I think it just looks nicer for a man to be taller than a woman but I give it up to men who are confident enough to be with a woman taller than them. As far as women, I haven’t been with anyone taller than me. I like women my height and shorter.. Other than a few positions in bed that would require a man to be taller than me, I think it can all even out but it does help that I’m flexible so I can adjust to shorter men 🙂


    You have piqued my interes Olivia please fill us in on which positions require taller men, as long as it doesn’t divert from the topic too much.


    Well Thomas,
    I’m a little shy, especially on a public forum so how about I meet you in the middle and give one position.. For me and my height I would need a man as tall as me or a little taller if he would like to have me up against a wall… If he is a lot taller, then hopefully he is strong enough to lift me up a little to really enjoy it 🙂
    Any other positions, you might just have to come in and find out for yourself 🙂

    Lewd Ferrigno

    No preference, but extremes are fun/exciting. The amazon taller than myself really turned me on & I don’t think about height unless she’s shorter than 5 ‘ & Allissa’s right, we’re all the same height in bed. Most women are obsessed w/height ; I think it’s an ancient cavewoman instinct to want a big mate & society encourages desiring tall guys


    my only inpout from college was a 6′ + dorm mate sleeping with a girl maybe 5′.


    I’m thinking…


    I’ve partied with women ranging from much shorter than me to slightly taller than me. (I’m 5’8″.) I’ve found that I have to reconsider requesting certain non-standard positions since some of them can be a little more tiring to maintain depending on the height differential. (Would that I were still 25!) Other than that, as long as she’s rarin’ to go, height isn’t an issue.


    So it is a height differential which is more important than much taller or shorter? I certainly am not 25.


    From my perspective, yes. It’s just that some positions are harder to enter into or maintain if your heights differ by more than a few inches. Not to say that they absolutely can’t be tried, only that I probably won’t be able to hold them for as long as I’d like.

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