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  • This topic has 23 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 5 months ago by Anonymous. This post has been viewed 8020 times
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  • #1877

    The forum has been fixed. You should have any issues posting new topics.

    If you submit a topic and do not see it – It is because the system has marked your topic as spam. Please re-write the topic and try again.

    If you have any other issues, please feel free to contact me.


    No it hasn’t!!!!

    While moving between threads the system logs the users out. Even multiple log ins don’t solve the issue!!!

    If you submit a topic and do not see it – It is because the system has marked your topic as spam. Please re-write the topic and try again.

    Any chance of you being able to get your hands around this issue?

    BTW, Dude, I sent you an email sometime ago and haven’t received a response yet!!!

    Let Me Know.

    My Best,



    I tried to start a new thread and it didn’t show up, I reposted and it still didn’t.


    The EDIT function is not working properly, and not at all on threads where I have made multiple posts. The system should only show the last EDIT and not a list of edits. Also, it is not an edit until someone replies. The system inappropriately indicates an edit for changes made immediately after the initial post when that is merely a spellcheck or grammar modification and should not be recorded especially since there have been no replies.

    When I sign-in to the Forum, the system often signs me out again so I can’t post. After finally being allowed to remain signed-in, either the system doesn’t accept my post or states it has already been posted when in fact it has not.

    There is no reason to conceal posts from guest users; a member must sign-in to view all posts which is unnecessary.

    Comments cannot currently be posted to Sheri’s Ladies’ BLOGs. This BLOG comment section is working intermittently. I have made several BLOG posts and when I sign-in a day later they have disappeared.

    The Ladies’ Official Page reviews system is problematic too. There should be an EDIT capability. The STAR system must be changed, since currently one STAR represents multiple numbers. Only one single number should be represented by each STAR. Ladies have received unintentional downgraded ratings since if the left side of the fifth STAR is clicked it will indicate 4.5 instead of 5.0. Oftentimes the Official Page will indicate I have already posted when in fact I haven’t. Also, I have on occasion posted a Lady’s Official Page review and it does not appear.

    There should be a detailed help topic or screen to facilitate posting.

    Also, we should have access to the old Forum posts, so we can repost some of those classic threads. Does a hyperlink exist for this purpose.


    Usually I need to Sign-in three or four times before I can access the forum and I am usually kicked off at least once and have to re-log in


    I just tried to reply to the “6 things” thread, and after I hit submit my post did not appear. Luckily I was able to recover it, I spent a bit of time writing it.


    When I try to repost I get:
    ERROR: Duplicate reply detected; it looks as though you’ve already said that!
    But for some reason I can post to this thread.


    The “Fixed” system is not fixed and it sometimes does that same thing to me. I’ll click submit and my post does not appear but my verbiage is gone. I try again and the same thing happens. Their system is erroneously detecting something from our computers. Their settings are distorted and it’s affecting our ability to post. I have had this same thing happen on the Forum threads, Ladies’ BLOGs and the Ladies” Official Page Reviews. Aaron stated that sometimes the Forum & Ladies Official Page Reviews detects a post as spam or a duplication when in fact it is not.

    Now I use a free program from download.com “CCLEANER” to clear out my system. Then I access from the Control Panel Internet Options, General tab and click delete browsing history. Following that I reboot my computer and then reboot my Internet modem (actually turn off the power and turn it on again). Sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn’t.

    CCLEANER: http://download.cnet.com/CCleaner/3000-18512_4-10315544.html?tag=mncol;1


    @firefighter @Pierced @virginjames18 @Maverick I have disabled the spam filter for now.

    Should you run across any spam on the forum, please send me an e-mail and I will turn the filter on.

    Thank you.


    I’ve tried 6 times to post a new thread in the General section, but each time after I click the submit button nothing has been posted. It may be detecting my new posts as duplications. I can still post a reply to a thread though, since I’m doing it now.


    Aaron, I’ve tried several times now to post a new thread in the General section, and it doesn’t show a new post after I click submit. It returns to the General Discussion section and the new thread has not been posted. I know I’m doing it correctly, so I don’t know why it won’t enter the post. I can still post replies to an existing thread though, like this one.
    Please Advise, Thanks


    Same thing for me too


    firefighter – Yes, crap cleaner is awesome, I’ve used it since just after it’s beta release.

    Aaron, whatever you did seems to have cleared up my end, I am able to post at will now.

    Others having problems, what browser do you use? Do you have add-ons that may be conflicting with the forum? Do you control what scripts you allow sites to run (if you don’t you really should, there’s a lot of nasty stuff out there, I like my computers like my sex: safe)? I’m using the latest build of firefox (20.0.1) and noscript allowing scripts from sherisranch.com and edgecastcdn.com, disallowing scripts from google-analytics.com and disqus.com.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 8 months ago by Pierced.
    • This reply was modified 11 years, 8 months ago by Pierced.
    • This reply was modified 11 years, 8 months ago by Pierced.

    Should you run across any spam on the forum, please send me an e-mail and I will turn the filter on.

    Aaron, are you allowed to grant users admin privileges to remove posts? I’ve moderated online forums before, if you need an assist I’m a pretty good spam filter.


    I can post a reply to an existing thread; however, I still cannot submit a new post. After I click submit it starts working, but when it completes the new post has not been added. I’ve tried several times to add a post concerning Riley’s new photoshoot to the General section and it fails to materialize everytime.


    I still can’t post a new thread for some reason, but I can reply to an existing post.


    I posted a new topic on the newbie thread “party length question” and i can only see it in that thread when i am logged in.


    @firefighter I have sent you an e-mail. FYI.

    Kimmy D

    aaron help! I have tried from several computers but am unable to post a new thread!


    I can sometimes post a reply, but it may take several attempts. I must reword it after each try since the system asserts it’s a duplication even though it was never posted. However, I haven’t been able to submit and post a new thread for quite a while. The system goes through the normal working mode but after it concludes my new thread has not been posted. I initially thought I was blocked.

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