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  • #18210

    No the PM function may have not been enabled, Azru007. Interesting reason for my avatar, although i do not recall now why I selected it. I will take the complement.
    Flint would say all thing are impermanent.

    Angel Parr

    Glad to hear that you’re back to good health, and we look forward to your visit!


    @Flint – Yes, I find it a bit odd that there’s no PM function on the forum. Not that it’s a big deal or anything. This thread is both for information and a historical record since the act of sex for the first time might just leave me starstruck. You’re very welcome sir and if I may say the avatar as well as username seems quite fitting for the board.

    The Immortal Flint would say that, my reasons for visiting Sheri’s has to do with thirst and being a flower in the desert.

    – Thank you Lady Angel. I was seriously worried I would not be able to visit that the doctor would find something seriously wrong. While I’m by no means wealthy or well-off money isn’t the object of the reason of my visit which is why I was unconcerned about losing the portion to airfare if I had to call it off.

    Even so I am somewhat worried because the aesthetics of my penis are no longer as attractive to me and so I wonder as long as a penis is clean and not displaying telltale signs of STD I shouldn’t worry too much, is that about right?

    I’ll see another doctor before I rent a car and gain a second opinion and have about another month to make further lifestyle changes.


    I thought those quotes were more for Rayna.


    You should make your appointment with Angel if she’s there!


    @Flint – You’re correct sir, it was a Flint/Rayna conversation. I personally found the scene most impactful in that episode, however; the whole episode is one of my favorites in the original series.

    @Diesel – If Lady Angel’s calendar is correct we’ll sadly miss each other by two days. I won’t arrive until June 21st and her last day is the 19th. If I were to chase every lady I want to meet I’d end up spending all my money on airfare and none on them, haha! Fortunately and with hope and fortune this won’t be my first and only visit – the next one would be around my birthday: November 15th. I think for the time being it’s better to focus on just one visit at a time.


    I suppose we could compare favorite TOS episode but it might bore the rest of the poster?
    I did a thread on DC heroines. Someone could do the same for Trek females.

    Angel Parr

    Awe, thank you Diesel, that was sweet of you, but unfortunately as of now, my schedule is correct and we will miss each other. 😥 Next time 007, next time!


    @Flint – I suppose you’re right sir. That’s a good idea to create a thread of Trek Ladies and favorite episodes.

    Angel – Definitely next time m’lady Angel! 😉 Shall I wear a ‘Hello, my name is: 007’ sticker so you know who I am or shall I just dress the part of 007?

    Angel Parr

    Lol definitely dress the part, best first impression ever!


    My apologies Lady Angel, I was out of town for a few days.

    It’s settled then I will wear a tux for a future visit when we’ll both be at the Ranch. 😉

    Now that I’m back from my trip out of town I don’t have anything going on between now and then so all my focus will be going into preparing for my visit!


    waiting to hear how your trip went, Azru007, sometime in the future.


    Apologies Sir Flint, my visit was with family unfortunately and not a visit to Sheri’s. That isn’t due until June 21st.

    I’m updating this thread with good news: I’ve gathered together the money to party! Just have to change it for higher denominations since less counting more playing seems to be a good idea. 😉


    That is all right. We can wait couple of months to hear how your trip went. It is good news to hear you can fund your party, when it occurs.

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