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  • #11479

    Flight attendant uniforms very sexy and the fact that they’re already there to serve you, yep. Wasn’t there a sex airline service or did I imagine that?


    Oh, don’t worry Will7, what I write about is not a static place for me, when I say recently, I suppose that could mean a lot of things to a lot of people. It is not where I am today, for the record, its more I want to experience new things without strings attached. And surfing this forum and reading people’s experiences and fantasies is pretty fun way for me to put my foot in the pool, so to speak.

    I’ve actually have gotten that none judgmental person, Will7, don’t worry. I had to take a step back from certain people in my life because a lot of people are quick to try to define you in many different ways.

    The big lesson is you can never allow anyone or anything to define you in a way you don’t want to be defined.

    I can only speak to belief in Christ…

    … personal autonomy is certainly possible in a Christian or religious context. Looking to something greater than yourself matters a lot to people. Religion in its best concept, it offers you salvation, it offers your not only standards to live your life by, but purpose. It gets mucked up when witnessing becomes more along the lines of guilt or fear with a heavy helping of repression. That’s not really what Jesus preached, he got on his knees and cleaned his hangeroners feet. Think about that. Really think about how dirty their feet must of have been.

    Anyway, not everything in the Bible is to be take as gospel. Ooo… that’s a bit radical for some people, but its my opinion.


    This is an interesting topic. I encountered a very simular situation, recently.

    Background, I was sexually abused as a child, through my middle school years, on into the high school. It messed me up. Sexual abuse is not a hallmark card, I can promise you. There’s no cherry on the top, there’s no magical happy ending to it. Coupled with the bullying by my peers, bullied by girls, I suffered, my childhood sucked basically. It was a very confusing time in my life. I never delt with it, along with some other things just festered, so I’ve been thinking of changing the way I feel as I am today. Repressed memories are real. I buried this until recently.

    Yikes. I hope people don’t think I am over sharing. (ducks)


    I expressed my sexual desire, the idea of moving past my sexual abuse, and plenty of my family knows this. One female person in my life said, well, you shouldn’t desire these things, if a wife doesn’t come along, then one doesn’t come along. You just need to look to Jesus as your role model and he’ll fullfil your life. This person made me angry because I felt like I was being held to this impossibly high standard, when you really think of who Jesus was, like come on, he got up on a cross and suffered for sinners (then, I think particularly when other people in our lives are off having pre-martial sex, does she go off and lecture them, doesn’t seem like it). As a sexual abuse victim, I’m not some symbol, you know? Why can’t someone else be Jesus? haha And what if I don’t desire marriage? What if I don’t desire even a relationship? But desire to move past what was done to me? See what I’m getting at. Her lack of understanding towards my feelings just made me angry.

    And yes, I have been considering coming to this brothel. I am a newbie, first time poster, long time lucker. *waves*

    For the record, I do believe Jesus died for our sins. I don’t take his act lightly and I try live my life as being a decent person, the golden rule, all that jazz.

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