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  • #7341

    My Friend, indeed you did!

    You provided great guidance on my first mountain crossing. And I still owe you one or more drinks.

    And it’s good to hear that on balance the things in your life are going positively.

    And btw… I see what you mean. I’m guessing the girls don’t come out to post much anymore. The Flirtatious thread seems to be flirtless.

    I am working on scaling the mountain again here soon. Let’s hope there is more flirting going on in person. 🙂


    Well said.

    But I can add that many’s the time I had a party in late afternoon, had a good ribeye at dinner, topped off by a lengthy happy hour and had a dip in the hot tub before tottling off to bed in one of those spartan rooms feeling like the “King of the World”.


    As y’all struggle to find the best among perfection, don’t forget Destini! 2013 Courtesan of the Year!


    rewith85man… I really want to give Sheri’s a lot of credit here. The Moonlite Bunny Ranch is a VERY distant second as Brothels go. And the rest of the pack is so far back in the race as not even to be seen.

    Sheri’s can honestly boast to be the only true Brothel Resort in Nevada.

    Now, admittedly, the guest hotel rooms are rather spartan, though there are a couple of guest rooms with a theme (not to be confused with the bungalows). But I would hasten to add that they are clean.

    Having said that, step outside your room and you have a great view of the mountain side that takes you back to vegas. There’s a tennis court, hot tub, swimming pool (with some of the coldest water ever) and lounge area. Then, in the main house the bar is where most “guys and dolls” check each other out. And the bar is a good one. Ladies tend to cluster at the watering hole. But there is a juke box, pool table and a full service menu for dinner… Though don’t let your party run too late or they’ll close the kitchen on you.

    Anyway, just a very welcoming environment. Party or no party. It’s just a nice place to be. And actually you’ll routinely find some of the locals at the bar.

    Back on the pool. I’ve always wondered if they refrigerate the pool to make the ladies’ nipples firm up. Hmm.. just got to wonder.

    They also have a sometimes used spa area and wish they would bring it back full time!!


    Mav… Way to shuffle out on that limb 🙂 . And good to see you back around. I fell off the forum for awhile, in part because you weren’t out here livening things up!

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