Cupid’s story is one of the few ancient mythologies with a happy ending. Cupid, or Eros as he’s known in Greek mythology, fell in love with and married a beautiful mortal named Psyche (Greek for ‘Soul’). Like most relationships, their love was tested. Psyche violated the one thing Eros asked of her: not to look at him. She couldn’t help herself, she took a peek one night, so a betrayed Eros left. Since she broke the trust required of love, she had to endure several brutal tests of the gods to find him again. Psyche’s strength and devotion redeemed her and not only did Eros return, but he made her immortal so they could be in love forever.
Lucky for us mortals, our conditions are a little less serious. We don’t have to endure the trials of the gods to find pleasure and happiness in love. We even have a day to celebrate it, but if you find yourself lost on Valentine’s Day, take some advice from me, a professional lover, on how to please your woman on VDay.

Gift giving is a lot like sex…a golden rule is to ask your partner what they want, then give it to them. As much as you know your partner and are able to intuit their wants, ultimately, you’re not a mind reader. Why risk it playing the guessing game? Keep it simple and direct and ask her what she wants this Valentine’s Day. She’ll have more appreciation and use for a gift she truly wanted.

It may seem obvious, but being attentive requires some discipline. It’s never expected, but I’m always impressed when someone remembers a small detail of my life or goes out of their way to be considerate. At its core, being attentive requires active listening. This will make you a better lover, partner, and friend. Listen to her concerns, outlook, and wishes on Valentine’s Day and let it inform how you treat her on February 14th and throughout the year.

I’ll admit, I’m a huge romantic. I crave romantic gestures and being seduced. A lot of junk, like fear, anxiety, and self-consciousness, can get in the way of making a sincere effort to do those things with your partner. It’s worth it to bypass or transcend your ego and make her feel special, desirable, and worthy. Be generous and genuine with your compliments. Flirt with her and make her laugh. Wine and dine her. No matter what you’ve been told, it’s not cliche to send her flowers! It will make her smile and she’ll think of you every time she looks at them. Romantic gestures like these will help you open up and be more vulnerable with your partner, and vice versa, which will make your relationship healthier and stronger.

To those without a partner on Valentine’s Day: If you’ve been on them for long enough, then you know: dating apps can be a nightmare. My advice for you this Valentine’s Day is to go out into social settings and meet new people. Sheri’s Ranch is a great place to start. Make an appointment for a date with me or any one of the lovely ladies here. We’ll help you practice how to be a good lover. Tip: it’s a turn-on for me when clients ask me for advice, whether it be sexual, dating, romantic, etc. Come in with an open mind…you’ll leave with fun memories and a little better equipped in pleasing a woman.
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