Dear porn industry,
Stop looking down on adult video performers who work as legal prostitutes! Every girl in the industry does it, so why scorn porn stars who do it legally?
Let’s face it. Everyone in the adult business has a passion for sex. We all want to be successful and that means something different to everyone. When I got into porn over three years ago it didn’t take me long to realize everything isn’t what it seems. I flew to a model house (a house that an agent buys and makes girls pay to stay at while he or she finds them work), was promised I would be turned into a huge star, taken to set to do one scene which involved an activity I had clearly told my agent before flying down that I do NOT do and then told after three scenes that week that there wasn’t much more work for me unless I wanted to stay a few more weeks, or prostitute myself illegally. I was 19 years old.
Looking around at some of the other girls in the house I quickly understood that I was very lucky to have been able to afford a round trip ticket and to be going home that day. I flew down again a month later (I was promised a full schedule like usual) and there was no work for me. Not one scene. At that point I had no fans and no substance behind my name to market myself, and was now in debt from paying to stay at the model house. I flew back and parted ways with my agent after that trip.
It drove me crazy thinking about the few scenes that I had done, how much fun they were and how much the companies actually wanted to see me succeed. Once those scenes hit websites I started getting fans who urged me to continue in porn, instantly seeing how driven and passionate I was about sex. I contacted other agencies but after realizing it is all basically the same speech with a different person, I decided agencies were not going to keep my fans or myself happy. I needed to do something to get my sexual fix and keep my fans inspired so I took all of the money I had made from my first trip and bought myself a video camera.
I launched my own website and promoted myself every day, meanwhile hearing horror stories of other girls in similar situations to what I had gone through. I would hear stories from some girls that their agent wouldn’t let them out of their contracts until they got three other girls to sign up first. I would see girls on social media asking anyone for help just to book a flight home. But what bothered me most of all was the stories of agents suggesting girls “escort” illegally to keep up good business. I became furious when I heard of a girl having sex with a stranger to pay her rent, and then showing up on set the next day “tested and ready”. Every girl that does a porn scene has to be tested at least 28 days prior to the scene. If they have illegal sex for money outside of their legal scenes, they are putting everyone in jeopardy. I thought to myself, if the guy they picked for me to sleep with has been with her, my test could be completely irrelevant as could theirs and anyone she comes in contact with before she gets tested again. I tried to find some way to validate what these girls were doing, but when I couldn’t I decided to step back and take a closer look at my future in the adult business.
Before I ever got into porn I was a huge fan of many girls. I watched videos and DVDs and joined websites. The ultimate porn fantasy for a fan is getting to actually talk to, touch, kiss and fuck that porn star of your dreams and I understand that. However I also hear a lot of stories of girls going to jail, not being able to work for months for health issues relating to STDs and switching from agency to agency, saying how terrible their previous agents were to them and how they consistently suggested they have sex off-camera illegally for money. I wanted to have sex with my fans too and I knew my fans wanted to, but I was not about to risk my health and safety just to meet with someone illegally.
Finally, a few months ago, a fan suggested I work at Sheri’s Ranch, a legal brothel in Nevada, where he could come in and have sex with me legally! I had no idea these places even existed and I couldn’t help thinking…do these girls in porn not know they can be legal and safe while also fucking their fans?
I came out to the brothel for the first time a few months ago and realized how important safety and legality is to every single person here; staff and girls. In this safe and healthy environment I can invite my fans over and I can legally blow their minds (and other areas). I love it!
Instead of my peers in the industry being supportive, many of them were publicly outraged, saying “that is the quickest way to catch a disease” and complaining how “I was so against hooking and now I am a hypocrite” all the while these same women illegally have sex for money as “luxury companions”.
At a legal Nevada brothel, every girl sees the doctor the first day they arrive, and after they are cleared for the exact same diseases porn stars are cleared for, girls are required to stay on the premises the entire week. Condoms are also mandatory at legal brothels. In fact, these brothels are so safe that no one has ever caught an STD from a legal Nevada sex worker.
I wish the porn industry would stop insisting that girls risk their health and safety to have sex illegally (while taking a cut of the money the girls bring in from this illegal business) and start being responsible, legal and safe. Women in porn need to realize that brothels are a safe place where they can invite their fans to enjoy an intimate experience with them while staying legal!
We are all trying to dream big and keep our worries to a minimum and more than anything I hope that the porn industry realizes that women CAN be proud to be sexual and open. Women in porn CAN make great money legally having sex off camera at a licensed Nevada brothel. There is no need to hide under this translucent blanket of shame and there is definitely no reason to be having sex illegally especially while putting down those who have safe, legal sex for money. My wish is that we could all be supportive of each other since we are all having sex for money and we all have tons of fans that support us and want nothing but the best for us. Porn industry, stop looking down on legal prostitutes!
To learn more about the porn stars who have visited Sheri’s Ranch visit our porn star page.
Not only do we not understand why the world looks down upon porn stars who work at legal brothels, I have always found it curious why the world looks down on legal prostitutes at all. The world is full of millions of women who sleep with men for money. Most of them, however, do it under the cover of “marriage” or “dating”. They don’t really like the guy, they just live with him or date him because he has money and makes their life easier. OK, but how is that any different from what legal prostitutes do? Except the legal prostitutes are more honest about it, and I have more respect for them.
Unless a woman is at a legal brothel (Nevada is the ONLY state that has legal brothels), solicitation and having sex off camera for money in any way, shape or form is illegal and that woman can go to jail (or worse). I do agree with you though, women should not be afraid to be open, sexual and honest…they should just do it in a safe, legal setting so that they don’t end up with a jail sentence!
now while I agree this is no less or more “safe” than the porn industry.. I am curious how things are handled when there is an “accident.” Taking recent events into consideration about certain porn stars allegedly exposed to STDs it seems to rock the entire industry. Didnt vivid or some other major porn company have to shut down production not long ago because a actor/actress tested postitive?
There has been a ton of news lately about the FSC, safety protocols in porn and what they do about accidents! Good thoughts!
“Every girl that does a porn scene has to be tested at least 28 days prior to the scene.”
I never really thought about it (I just watch porn I don’t act in it)…but I wouldn’t give any sexually promiscuous person with multiple partners a 28 day grace period. Especially if I didn’t know them very well.
Hahaha this just made me laugh out loud! I’m glad some men have a healthy regard for their safety, health and well being!
Great blog, Jayla. Very well thought out, hopefully it will reach those people that could benefit from reading it the most.
Thanks pierced!
What an incredibly open and honest post, Jayla. This was a fascinating read to me, and I appreciate it. Off-topic, but my former boss who lives in Las Vegas would probably love to meet you at the ranch. I should ask him… !
I’m glad you liked my blog; I love a healthy debate and those with an open mind! And yes let’s keep in touch about that!
So if I was to contact Lisa Ann’s agent, I could have sex with her for a private personal porn video for a price? Do all porn actresses work off camera too as private escorts?
I think a lot of what porn actresses do off camera is well advertised if you look closely!
I agree with Jayla that all porn actors are prostitutes…they are having sex for money. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing I’m just saying that sometimes I see interviews where porn actors are acting high and mighty like what they do is not the same as what street hookers or escorts do.
In Canada prostitution is legal but soliciting and pimping (living of the avails) and running a brothel (operating a common bawdy house) are illegal. Escorts that work discretely out of hotels or an incall rarely get hassled by Law Enforcement unless their activity is disturbing the peace.
I would like to have an porn star escort to guide and visit tourist attractions with me for a day or more.
If the people of the porn industry think that legal prostitutes are immoral, then they are hypocritical.
Sorry. But I find all this disgusting.
As a middle aged guy. I grew up dreaming about having sex with girls. Looking at porn like many other people. Wanting to try new things. Etc etc.
But its all fantasy based. To actually be in a situation with a whore trips off my guilty conscience. Because I was raised with morals. I am not selfish. I do not live my life thinking I matter more than others. But it seems to me that people in the whore business are nothing but selfish and have rotten minds. They may disagree. But they are in denial anyway. Lying on your back to get pounded for money is a cop out. Learn a real trade. Get a real job. Like everyone else. Stop promoting immorality and spreading diseases. You can fool some people int believing that “legal” prostitution is clean. But that’s bull. I have seen the stats. And believe me. There are still an unbelievable number of cases that say otherwise. Wearing condoms only does so much. Herpes and other diseases can be spread from the mouth and around the genital areas.
People need to become wiser. If the world wants to crack down. They need to stop dumbasses from having children. Let the wise moral people raise kids. Whores don’t need to be doing that.